
Welcome to our newsroom. This is where you'll find links to recent news releases, blog stories, pictures and videos, our social media channels, and contact information for our communications team. Also, you can subscribe to our News email list.

News and blogs

Celebrating Washington's indispensable wetlands

Feb. 6 blog – World Wetlands Day highlights the indispensable contributions wetlands make toward building resilience, sustaining biodiversity, and contributing to the well-being of the world’s human populace.

Ecology proposes to fund 102 clean water projects across the state

Feb. 5 blog – We're proposing to award $175.5 million for 102 high-priority clean water projects across the state.

Talleres de reparación de autos en Washington obtienen desengrasantes más limpios y seguros con fondos estatales

Feb. 4 blog – Instalaciones que usen desengrasantes a base de solvente pueden aplicar para un reembolso para cambiar a desengrasantes más seguros. 

Ecology helps Richland medical center save money and reduce hazardous waste

Feb. 4 blog – Pollution prevention (P2) plans detail the hazardous waste a business creates yearly and describe opportunities to eliminate or reduce it, often saving money in the process.

Clearing the air around wood stove legislation

Feb. 3 blog – Senate Bill 5174 does not remove stoves from any home, nor does it force manufacturers to re-test. The newly proposed legislation both protects the air and our ability to burn wood for heat.

Washington businesses and undergraduates benefit from pollution prevention internships

Jan. 28 blog – The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program pairs college students with businesses to help achieve pollution prevention goals. Business applications are due February 19, 2025.

New year, same drought

Jan. 24 blog – The drought declared in April 2024, is still in effect while experts keep an eye out for signs of improving conditions.  

Western Port Angeles Harbor cleanup is moving forward

Jan. 17 blog – We are holding a comment period and public meeting for the Western Port Angeles Harbor cleanup site in Port Angeles.


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Featured in our social media

Curbing Riverbank Erosion: Two pilot projects showing success in Chehalis River Basin
❯❯ Watch more videos on YouTube

A collection of photos showcasing the Walla Walla Water 2050 project
❯❯ See more photos on Flickr


Media contacts

News media can contact our communications team for help and information. 


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