Sila Nanotechnologies, Moses Lake
Air quality notice of construction application – Opportunity to request a public comment period
Jan. 29, 2025, 12 a.m. - Feb. 13, 2025, 11:59 p.m. PT
We propose to approve Sila Nanotechnologies' air quality notice of construction (NOC) application. We will hold a public comment period if one is requested.
Sila Nanotechnologies submitted a notice of construction application for their existing facility located at 3741 Road North, in Moses Lake. Sila requested updates to their existing air quality permit conditions including:
- Equipment list
- Natural gas usage
- Clarification of required performance testing for control equipment
These proposed changes will not increase their air emissions.
Document for review
We determined this proposal satisfies the requirements of Chapter 173-400 WAC. We plan to approve the application. We will hold a public comment period on a draft air permit ("approval order") that includes this change if we receive a written request by February 13, 2025.
To request a public comment period, use one of the ways listed below.
To find out if there are more records for this project, contact our Public Records Office.
This notice was posted on January 29, 2025.
A notice of construction permit is required before installing a new source of air pollution or modifying an existing source of air pollution. This permit is sometimes called a "pre-construction permit" because a business must have one before starting construction or operating their business.
A notice of construction air permit limits the amount of air pollutants a business can emit.
Comment online
- Submit your comment by email:
Comment by mail
Washington Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office
4601 North Monroe Street
Spokane, WA 99205-1295
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