What you can do to reduce greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gas emissions affect all of us by contributing to climate change, which threatens our water supplies,  coastlines, forests, and economy. Most greenhouse gases come from human activities, like burning fossil fuels for transportation or energy. These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing a greenhouse effect. As greenhouse gases increase, the Earth's surface temperature also rises, diminishing snowpack, raising sea levels, and increasing droughts and forest fires. You can help reduce the risks we face from climate change by taking steps to reduce the greenhouse gases coming from your home, vehicle, and activities.


Vehicle emissions account for over 39 percent of Washington's greenhouse gas emissions and are the largest contributor of carbon pollution in our state. In order to reach the greenhouse gas targets set in Washington law, the volume of emissions from transportation must be reduced. Changing the way you use transportation can have a big impact on helping Washington reach these goals.

Energy use

Emissions from fossil fuels burned to heat our homes, businesses, and industries are the second-largest contributor to greenhouse gases in Washington. Making your home more energy efficient will reduce your carbon footprint and save you money.

Around your home

Making a few small changes around your home can help reduce greenhouse gases and save you money.

Get your family involved

Talk to your family about how greenhouse gases affect our environment, economy, and everyone's life. Then develop a plan to reduce electricity use around your home. Remind everyone to check lights and switches before they leave the home. Encourage your family to buy used products. If you must buy new, be sure it can be recycled or reused. And, if it can't, reconsider buying it.