Regulations & Permits
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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
Revised Diesel Engine Exhaust Particulate Matter Health Risk Assessment Report Quincy, Washington
This report is a final health risk assessment (HRA) of diesel particles from some Quincy data centers.
TransAlta Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) order, second revision, 7/29/20
This is the second revised TransAlta Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) order, 7/29/20.
Air Quality data for Intalco Storymap
A table showing the number of days in each Air Quality Index category near Intalco
Regional Haze SIP revision 10-2021
Regional Haze SIP revision October 2021
Final 2022-2023 Budget for Air Quality Registration
VW grant notice for garbage trucks, etc. May 2023 (updated August 2023)
This is the August 2023 grant notice for zero-emission refuse vehicles, street sweepers, freight switcher locomotives, and port cargo handling equipment.
2017 and 2018 air quality days
A color coded chart showing the air quality days from good to very unhealthy for 2017 and 2018.
The Tri-Cities Ozone Precursor Study
A report on the ozone study conducted in the Tri-Cities area.
Air Operating Permit Report for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023, updated November 2021
This is the workload analysis and budget report for the Air Operating Permit Program for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023, updated November 2021.
VW federal Electric School Bus Grant Awards
A breakdown of VW federal grant awards for electric school buses by county and school district.
Technical Support Document for Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) order second revision, TransAlta, 7/20
This is the technical support document for the second revision of the Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) order for TransAlta, 7/20.
2020 SO2 attainment recommendation for Chelan and Douglas counties
Ecology's recommendation to EPA that the agency find Chelan and Douglas counties to be in attainment for sulfur dioxide air pollution.
Monitoring Ozone Air Pollution in Quincy
Information about Monitoring for Ozone Air Pollution in Quincy, 1/30/12
Yakima Air Wintertime Nitrate Study
A study about high nitrate levels in Yakima's winter air.
TransAlta Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), 12/23/11
This is the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for TransAlta, 12/23/11.
State Implementation Plan Process
This is the text version of the steps to develop and finalize a state implementation plan.
VW state settlement allocations
A pie chart showing how the VW state settlement funds are being used.
Table of ASIL, SQER, and de minimis emission values – WAC 173-460-150 (Effective 12-23-2019)
This is the 12/23/19 sortable table of toxic air pollutants (TAPs) listed in Chapter 173-460 WAC, Controls for New Sources of Toxic Air Pollutants.
How can I protect my health at different AQI values
A color coded chart with numerical values telling what actions to take to protect your health during an air quality event.
NOx reductions alt text document
Arrow showing past & current NOx reductions in comparison to our goal and future reductions using VW settlement funds
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