Ecology Site Map
Air & Climate
- Air quality
- Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Clean Energy Coordination
Water & Shorelines
Water quality
- Water quality standards
- Water quality grants and loans
Water improvement
- Assessment of state waters 303d
Straight to implementation
Total Maximum Daily Load process
Directory of improvement projects
Budd Inlet
Columbia & Snake River TMDL
Deschutes River and tributaries
East Fork Lewis River
French and Pilchuck watersheds
Green-Duwamish Watershed pollutant loading assessment
Hangman Creek
Henderson Inlet multi-parameter TMDL
Lake Whatcom Watershed multi-parameter TMDL
Little Spokane River DO and pH TMDL
Mid-Yakima Basin Bacteria TMDL
Padilla Bay FC TMDL
Sammamish River Temperature & Dissolved Oxygen TMDL
Soos Creek watershed fine sediment TMDL
Soos Creek multi-parameter TMDL
South Fork Nooksack
South Skagit Bay assessment
Spokane River
Whatcom Creek
Budd Inlet
Directory of improvement projects
- Water quality permits
- Stormwater & runoff
- Wastewater
Reclaimed water
- Groundwater
- Saltwater
- Freshwater
Water supply
- Water availability
- Water rights
- Streamflow restoration
- Wells
- Dams
- Water supply projects in Eastern Washington
- Protecting stream flows
- Water recovery solutions
- Puget Sound
Shoreline & coastal management
Shoreline management
Active SMP amendments
State-approved SMP list
City of Newport, Cusick, Ione, Metaline & Metaline Falls
Cle Elum
Coulee Dam
Granite Falls
Okanogan County
Pe Ell
Pierce County
Skagit Hamilton Lyman Coalition
Thurston County
Wahkiakum County
Whatcom County 2019 amendment
Whatcom County Limited Amendment
- Shoreline Management Act
- Shoreline planners toolbox
- Shoreline laws and rules
Shoreline Master Programs
Active SMP amendments
- Coastal zone management
- Hazards
- Chehalis Basin
- Padilla Bay Reserve
- Aquaculture
Education & training
- Ocean management
Shoreline management
Wetlands overview
- Regulations
Avoidance & minimization
Interagency guidance
Wetland mitigation banking
Mitigation bank projects
Blue Heron Slough
Chehalis Basin
Columbia River
Coweeman River
East Fork Lewis
Keller Farm
Long Beach
Moses Lake Three Ponds
North Fork Newaukum
Paine Field
Port of Seattle
Skagit Environmental
Skykomish Habitat
Snohomish Basin
Springbrook Creek
Upper Clear Creek
Wapato Valley
Become a bank sponsor
Public notices
Templates & guidance documents
- Contacts
Mitigation bank projects
In-lieu fee mitigation
Advance mitigation
Monitoring requirements
Avoidance & minimization
- Tools & resources
- Educational resources
Wetlands overview
Water quality
Waste & Toxics
- Household waste & toxics
- Business waste
- Nuclear waste
- Reducing & recycling waste
- Reducing toxic chemicals
- Solid waste & litter
Spills & Cleanup
Cleanup sites
Boeing Auburn Fabrication site
Dangerous waste facility cleanup
Eastern Washington
- Everett Smelter
- Former orchard lands
- Lower Duwamish Waterway
- Puget Sound cleanup
- Rayonier Mill cleanup
- Sites with PFAS in drinking water
South Lake Union
- Tacoma Smelter
- UW Tacoma
Boeing Auburn Fabrication site
Covid-19 Spills response
- Sediment cleanups
- Oil spill prevention
- Spill preparedness & response
- Underground storage tanks
- Dirt Alert program
- Rules directing our cleanup work
Business & industry requirements
- Cleanup process
- Brownfields
- Natural resource damage assessment and restoration
- Voluntary Cleanup Program
Cleanup sites
Regulations & Permits
- Laws, rules, & rulemaking
Plans & policies
- Areas meeting and not meeting air standards
Contingency planning for oil industry
Approved contingency plan holders
Oil spill drills
Geographic response plans for oil spills
Spill management teams
Spill response plans for mobile oil facilities
Spills planning standards
Technical manuals
Primary response contractors
Spills Best Achievable Protection
Wildlife response service providers
Worldwide Response Resource List
Approved contingency plan holders
Spill prevention operations manual for regulated facilities
Safe & effective threshold determination reports
Spills prevention plans for facilities
- State implementation plans
Toxics cleanup policies
- Washington state waste plan
Water rights & dam safety policies, procedures, & guidance
Guidance & technical assistance
About the air monitoring network
Aquatic weed control technical assistance
Better Brakes guidance
Cleanup report checklists & templates
Contained-in determinations
- Contamination cleanup tools
Dam construction & modification guidance
Dam operation & maintenance guidance
Dangerous waste guidance
- Dangerous waste basics
Common dangerous waste
Aerosol cans
Auto body shops
- Auto recyclers
- Batteries
- Construction & demolition
Dental waste
Dry cleaner waste
Electronic waste
Empty containers
Lead waste
Lights & lamps
Nicotine & cannabis waste
Paints & coatings
- Pharmaceutical waste
Solar panel waste
Solvent wipes
Treated wood waste
Universal waste
Used oil
Aerosol cans
- Dispose, recycle or treat
- Electronics (E-Cycle) - guidance and reports
Empirical demonstrations & MTCA
Facility/Site database
Financial responsibility for oil spills
Fish consumption rates - technical support
Guidance for cannabis businesses
Guidance for floodplains - Critical Areas Ordinance
- Guidance for oil industry
- Guidance for residential cleanups
Information for air monitoring professionals
Learning from incidents and spills
- Managing moderate risk waste guidance (EPA)
Mercury lights guidance
Moderate risk waste facility guidance
- MTCA model remedies
Municipal water law
- Pollution prevention
- Pollution prevention services
Recycled content products
Requirements for bunkering
- Safer alternatives
Sediment cleanup resources
Shoreline Master Program handbook
Site register lists & data
Solid waste financing
- Stormwater permittee guidance & resources
Terrestrial ecological evaluation
Toxic cleanup acronyms
- Underground injection control program
Used oil generators rules
Used oil processors rules
- UST owner and operator resources
Vapor intrusion overview
Water metering
Water quality permits database
- Water quality permits guidance
Water rights search
Well construction & licensing system
Well report gateway
Yakima Basin Cabin Owner information
About the air monitoring network
Permits & certifications
Overview of permitting
- 401 Water quality certification
- Air quality permits
- Aquatic pesticide permits
Biosolids permit system
Biosolids facilities: Fees, forms, & annual reports
Boatyard general permit
Bridge and Ferry Terminal Washing Permit
Certified water right examiner
Certification for incinerator & landfill operators
Certified Erosion & Sediment Control
Concentrated animal feeding operation
Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO)
Cruise ship memorandum of agreement (MOU)
Dam safety permit
Dangerous waste permits
EPA vessel general permit (graywater)
Hanford Federal Facility permits
Facilities training & certification
Fresh fruit packing general permit
Industrial facilities permits
Agrium Kennewick Fertilizer Operations
Air Liquide
Alcoa Wenatchee
BP Refinery
Columbia & Cowlitz Railway
Cosmo Specialty Fibers
Divert Integrated Food Recovery
Eagle US 2 LLC
Georgia Pacific, Camas
Goldendale Energy
HF Sinclair Puget Sound Refinery
Lanxess Corporation (formerly Emerald Kalama)
Matheson, Tri-Gas Anacortes
McKinley Paper
Mint Farm
Nippon Dynawave, Longview
Northwest Alloys, Addy
Northwest Alloys, Longview
Pacific Functional Fluids
Packaging Corporation of America
Phillips 66 Refinery
Port Townsend Paper
Puget Sound Energy Ferndale Generating Station
SeaPort Sound Terminal
Solvay Chemicals
Specialty Minerals-Longview
Tesoro Logistics, Anacortes
Tesoro Refinery
US Oil & Refining
WestRock, Longview
WestRock, Tacoma
Weyerhaeuser Lumber
Agrium Kennewick Fertilizer Operations
Laboratory Accreditation
Applying for laboratory accreditation
Bench sheets and control charts for labs
How to choose an analytical laboratory
Lab accreditation contacts
Laboratory quality assurance manual review checklist
Manual and procedures for accredited laboratories
Methods update rule
Proficiency testing providers
Solid and chemical materials updates
Using digital reference thermometers in microbiology testing laboratories
Applying for laboratory accreditation
Mineral prospecting and placer mining
Nutrient permit
Radioactive Mixed Waste permits
- Shoreline permits & enforcement
- Solid waste permits
- Sand & Gravel General Permit
- Stormwater general permits
Upland finfish permit
Vessel deconstruction general permit
Voluntary certification program for spills prevention
- Wastewater operator certification
- Water right permits
Water treatment plants
Winery permit
Overview of permitting
Reporting requirements
Advance notice of oil transfer
- Air quality emissions reporting
Cleanup site data submittal requirements
- Dangerous waste reporting requirements
E-Cycle participant registration
- Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act
Emergency response towing vessel
Plastic producer registration
Recyclable materials transporter registration
- Reporting for Children's Safe Products Act
Solid waste facilities reporting
Spills - If you spill
- Stormwater monitoring
Vessel emergency reporting
Water metering reporting
Well construction notice of intent
Well construction reporting
Advance notice of oil transfer
- Compliance & enforcement
Environmental review
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
SEPA Register
SEPA guidance
Basic overview
- Guide for lead agencies
Guide for project applicants
SEPA checklist guidance
SEPA Checklist - Section A: Background
SEPA Checklist - Section B: Environmental elements
Environmental elements - 1. Earth
Environmental elements - 2. Air
- Environmental elements - 3. Water
Environmental elements - 4. Plants
Environmental elements - 5. Animals
Environmental elements - 6. Energy & natural resources
Environmental elements - 7. Environmental health
Environmental elements - 8. Land & shoreline use
Environmental elements - 9. Housing
Environmental elements - 10. Aesthetics
Environmental elements - 11. Light & glare
Environmental elements - 12. Recreation
Environmental elements - 13. Historic & cultural preservation
Environmental elements - 14. Transportation
Environmental elements - 15. Public services
Environmental elements - 16. Utilities
Environmental elements - 1. Earth
SEPA Checklist Section C: Signature
SEPA Checklist - Section D: Non-project actions
SEPA Checklist - Supplemental Orca checklist guidance
SEPA Checklist - Section A: Background
Review & commenting
SEPA subject index
Basic overview
SEPA document templates
- SEPA at Ecology
SEPA laws & rules
SEPA lead agency contacts
SEPA training
SEPA Register
- Clean energy
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
Research & Data
Monitoring & assessment
Air Quality Index
- BEACH annual report
- Coastal monitoring & assessment
Consumer products testing
- Groundwater quality assessment
- Toxics monitoring
Lake water quality monitoring
- River & stream monitoring
- Puget Sound & marine monitoring
Wastewater testing
- Water quality improvement effectiveness monitoring
Air Quality Index
- Data resources
- Scientific reports
Monitoring & assessment
About us
Who we are
- Our strategic plan
- News
Our programs
Air Quality
- Environmental Assessment
Hazardous Waste & Toxics Reduction
Nuclear Waste Program
Office of Chehalis Basin
- Office of Columbia River
Office of Equity & Environmental Justice
Shorelands & Environmental Assistance
- Solid Waste Management
- Spills Program
- Toxics Cleanup
Water Quality
- Water Resources
Air Quality
- Environmental justice
Our history
Social media
- Budget & legislative priorities
- Payments, contracts & grants
- Accessibility & equity
Accountability & transparency
Customer survey
- Government coordination
Partnerships & committees
Agriculture and Water Quality Advisory Committee
- Boards & councils
Clean air agencies
Columbia River Policy Advisory Group
Ocean acidification Blue Ribbon panel
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Solid Waste Handling Standards Rulemaking Advisory Committees
WAC 173-350-010 through 100 (general)
WAC 173-350-100 - Focused review
WAC 173-350-110 - Determination of Solid Waste
WAC 173-350-200 - Beneficial Use Permit Exemptions
WAC 173-350-210 - Recycling
WAC 173-350-230 - Land application
WAC 173-350-235 - Soil and Sediment Criteria and Use
WAC 173-350-240 - Energy recovery & incineration facilities
WAC 173-350-300 - On-site storage, collection, and transportation standards
WAC 173-350-310 - Intermediate solid waste handling facilities
WAC 173-350-320 - Piles used for storage or treatment
WAC 173-350-330 - Surface impoundments and tanks
WAC 173-350-350 - Waste tire storage and transportation
WAC 173-350-360 - Moderate risk waste handling
WAC 173-350-370 - Product take back (possible new section)
WAC 173-350-400 - Limited purpose landfills
WAC 173-350-410 - Inert waste landfills
WAC 173-350-490 - Other methods of solid waste handling
WAC 173-350-500 - Ground water monitoring
WAC 173-350-600 - Financial assurance
WAC 173-350-700 through 715
WAC 173-350-900 - Remedial action
WAC 173-350-990 - Criteria for Inert Waste
WAC 173-350-995 - Appendices
WAC 173-350-010 through 100 (general)
Spills partners
Stormwater Work Group
Voluntary Clean Water Guidance for Agriculture Advisory Group
- Voluntary Stewardship Program
Water Conservancy Boards
Water Quality Financial Assistance Council
Water Quality Partnership
Water Resources Advisory Committee
Water Supply Availability Committee
Water Transfer Working Group
Walla Walla Basin Advisory Committee
Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Workgroup
Agriculture and Water Quality Advisory Committee
- Website information
Drones (UAS)
Customer survey
Who we are
- Issues & local projects