Contamination cleanup

Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.
Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.

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160 results.

Tacoma Smelter Plume: New Dirt Alert Videos!

The Tacoma Smelter Plume project has three new Dirt Alert videos showing simple actions you can take to stay healthy, plus some great gardening and landscaping tips for around the home.

Penacho de la Fundidora Tacoma: Nuevo Material de Ayuda en Español

Ecología lanzó un nuevo programa de ayuda en Español. El programa “Dirt Alert” tiene un sitio web con una lista de más Acciones Saludables.

Tacoma Smelter Plume: New Outreach in Spanish

Ecology launched new Spanish-language outreach in Federal Way last month.

Reynolds Smelter Cleanup/Millennium Bulk Terminals - Longview Update
There's a lot happening at the former Reynolds smelter site in Cowlitz County's industrial area this autumn.
Tacoma Smelter Plume: 2016 Yard Program Construction Update

September marks the fast approaching arrival of fall, and a halfway point for this season’s Yard Program work in the Tacoma Smelter Plume. 

At Hanford, the alphabet soup is a real stew
As the newbie communication manager for Ecology's Nuclear Waste Program, I've been swimming upstream in an alphabet torrent.
Cleaning Up: Welcome to ‘the Neighborhood’ – Part 2

Last week, we shared the new What's In My Neighborhood mapping tool that allows users to search for polluted properties across Washington. We received a variety of responses via Facebook.

Cleaning Up: Work along Centennial Trail and Spokane River

We're cleaning up the Holcim Inc site, near the Centennial trail and a boat launch. 

Cleaning Up: Welcome to 'the Neighborhood'!

Our new mapping tool helps you find contaminated sites near your home or work and see where they are in the cleanup process.

Tacoma Smelter Plume: Recap of Tacoma Public Meetings

Last week Ecology held two public meetings on the progress of the Tacoma Smelter Plume project. Over 50 people came out to learn about yard sampling and cleanup in Tacoma neighborhoods.