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Managing high water and flooding at Sprague Lake
A new Sprague Lake hydrology study identifies flood risk solutions for the area.
Meaningful Momentum: CCA Updates for Fall 2023
The cap-and-invest program team has been working hard! Check out what they've been up to this fall.
Stronger together: The promise of connecting North America’s clean energy leaders
On Nov. 2, Director Watson made a preliminary decision to pursue linking Washington’s cap-and-invest carbon reduction program to similar programs in California and the Canadian province of Québec.
Camano Island community takes the lead on septic solutions
The Maple Grove Community on Camano Island worked with Ecology and Craft3 to create a solution for their septic issues by the community, for the community.
Bad blood? More like "mad love" for the Pacific blood star
With its bright coloring, the Pacific blood star Henricia leviuscula is a recognizable sight in rocky tide pools. Read on to learn about the crimson critter with a few tricks up its spindly sleeves.
Stormwater research collaboration leads to cleaner water for all
Ecology has municipal stormwater permits for the state’s populated cities & counties. The permits are aimed at reducing stormwater pollution, so that cleaner stormwater is entering local waterways.
Local partners using $3 million to safeguard critical shoreline areas
We are providing $3 million to help our partners safegurard their local shorelines.
Everett wastewater treatment plant’s water quality permit up for review
We’re inviting the public to comment on the draft water quality permit for the Everett wastewater treatment plant.
Washington aerospace business earns EPA Region 10 2023 Pollution Prevention Recognition Award
Innovative alternatives to toxic chemicals protect employees, budgets, and the environment.
Let's Talk About Hanford’s crawly critters
In our next Let's Talk About Hanford, we'll be exploring the insects of Hanford.