Central Region

Ecology has four regional offices. The Central region includes Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima counties.
Ecology has four regional offices. The Central region includes Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima counties.

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394 results.

No dioxin found in Lower Yakima Valley groundwater
After two years of testing drinking water wells in the Lower Yakima Valley, Ecology has found no evidence of dioxin contamination. Our results provide reassuring data about drinking water safety.
Cleaning up: Making progress on the Bellingham waterfront
Cleanup along the Bellingham waterfront is moving forward, and we invite you provide feedback and join us for a walking tour and open house.
Cleaning up: Dawn Food Products site moves closer to cleanup
We’re signing a legal agreement with a new property owner to investigate and clean up the contamination at the Dawn Food Products site in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood, and we’d like your input.
Boots on the ground: Increasing equity in Washington Conservation Corps projects
This past fall, our Washington Conservation Corps began an Environmental Justice pilot program that aims to support overburdened communities through our environmental projects.
Not littering… Simple As That
Litter is a big problem with easy solutions. Small daily choices have a big impact. Live litter-free and help others do the same.
Cleaning up: In-water cleanup moving forward at Seattle’s iconic Gas Works Park
Cleanup of Gas Works Park in Seattle is moving forward. We invite you to comment on two environmental cleanup documents and attend a public meeting.
Reducing flood risks in our communities
Modern flood management strives to restore a floodplain’s natural flood capacity, protecting lives and homes while also benefiting fish and wildlife. Several state and federal grant programs can help.
June 16 Public Meetings on Low-Carbon Energy Siting Study

We're hosting public meetings on June 16 to discuss how we provide environmental review on the siting of "green," low-carbon energy projects.

Environmental restoration grants reach across state
We are awarding nearly $640,000 to fund 15 projects that will significantly improve water quality and the environment statewide.
Cleaning up: Getting ready for more Bellingham Bay cleanup
Ecology is cleaning up Bellingham Bay one site at a time. This year you’ll see fieldwork at TWO sites!