Central Region

Ecology has four regional offices. The Central region includes Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima counties.
Ecology has four regional offices. The Central region includes Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima counties.

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394 results.

Cleaning up: On Bellingham’s waterfront, a cleanup plan for the Chlor-Alkali Area
We're taking comments on a cleanup plan for the Chlor-Alkali Area of the Georgia-Pacific West site on the Bellingham waterfront.
Invasive Species
Despite its beautiful appearance, flowering rush is an invasive weed that threatens waterways throughout the state
Think pink: bloodworms rule the beaches of South Sound
Bloodworms are a type of polychaete, or marine segmented worm, in the family Glyceridae.
How could our Brownfields program help your community?

Old gas stations and shuttered industrial facilities can sit empty, possibly contaminated, for years. Our Brownfields Program can help put them back to use, like it did in Palouse. 

Put a bow on it: Elevate your gift-wrapping game with the ribbon worms
This year, when you spend more time wrapping your holiday gifts than picking them out, think about a group of critters who have taken their gift-wrapping game to the next level: the ribbon worms.
Life’s a beach for the false sandcastle worm
With its beachy name and sandy dwelling, the false sandcastle worm is the quintessential beach bum.
Snuggle up! The common slipper snail gets close for comfort
The first days of fall are here, and nothing makes me want to pile on the cozy layers like the arrival of the rainy season. This month’s critter embodies the fashion motto of 2020: comfort is IN.
The striped nudibranch: Don’t mess with this ferocious sea slug!
Nudibranchs, or sea slugs, are the elegant, marine-dwelling cousins of the slimy brown slugs you find in your garden.
It ain’t easy being green…unless you’re a kelp humpback shrimp
Top o’ the morning to you! Take a lesson in wearing green from the kelp humpback shrimp, who woke up dressed and ready in its Irish best.
Legacies of lead & arsenic (part 2)
As Central Washington grows, former orchard lands with potential lead and arsenic contamination are being developed into housing. We’ve convened a working group to help us find solutions.