Boots on the ground

Boots on the Ground is our series featuring the Washington Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program offering hands-on experience, field skills, and traning opportunities to young adults between 18 and 25, and military veterans.
Boots on the Ground is our series featuring the Washington Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program offering hands-on experience, field skills, and traning opportunities to young adults between 18 and 25, and military veterans.

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552 results.

Around the Sound: Port Gamble nearing finishing line
After years of planning, cleanup, and restoration efforts, we are nearing the final stages of our cleanup work at the Port Gamble Mill property. We invite you to comment on our cleanup plans.
31 years of Hanford cleanup
May 15 marks a special anniversary for our Nuclear Waste Program — 31 years of Hanford cleanup under the Tri-Party Agreement.
$165 million awarded for clean water projects in the northwest region
We're offering financial assistance for 33 high-priority projects.
Ecology wins national Pollution Prevention awards
Each year, we celebrate Pollution Prevention Week, a time to recognize staff, local partners, businesses, and Washington residents for taking actions to reduce or eliminate sources of pollution.
Cleaning up Hanford: Much progress, a lot left to do
This is the last week on the job for Nuclear Waste Program Manager Alex Smith. Before Smith heads off to her next adventure, however, she reflected on her last five years heading the program.
Cleaning up: Fieldwork on Bellingham's busy working waterfront
Contamination testing at Bellingham's central waterfront will set the stage for final cleanup plans.
Be safe: NOAA says uptick in coastal marine debris can include hazardous items

Washington coast may get more debris due to the Japan tsunami. Please look for hazard symbols and labels before picking up items. Call 1-855-WACOAST to report any potentially hazardous items.

Boots on the Ground: WCC responds to Hurricane Harvey

Hear from two Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) AmeriCorps members serving a 30-day deployment to Texas to assist communities after Hurricane Harvey hit in late August.

A foot of water can make or break a King Tide

Help scientists track and document King Tides this year! The King Tides Photo Initiative is aimed at getting people to take and share photographs during unusually high tides.

Ferries for Science: Technology hitches a ride to better understand Puget Sound

State marine scientists collaborated to install a high-tech water monitoring sensor on the hull of the 64-car Salish ferry.