Boots on the ground

Boots on the Ground is our series featuring the Washington Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program offering hands-on experience, field skills, and traning opportunities to young adults between 18 and 25, and military veterans.
Boots on the Ground is our series featuring the Washington Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program offering hands-on experience, field skills, and traning opportunities to young adults between 18 and 25, and military veterans.

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552 results.

Washington litter czars welcome viral #Trashtag Challenge – but advise safety first
A new viral challenge aims to leave the world a little cleaner than we found it.
We can't effectively regulate Hanford cleanup without access to key information from U.S. Department of Energy

We've issued a Director's Determination, giving the U.S. Department of Energy 30 days to meet our information requirements.

It’s Air Quality Awareness Week:
May 4-8 is the 14th annual Air Quality Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Better Air, Better Health.”
Here comes the sun! The golden petal worm shines like the rays of the spring sun
This month’s critter has a set of flowery petals that shine through the dark waters of Puget Sound like the golden rays of the sun.
On the road to a toxic-free future: How close are we after 50 years?
Ecology’s Hazardous Waste program looks back at 50 years working to reduce industrial waste, and looks ahead to what comes next
Next phase of Port Gamble Bay cleanup is underway
Long used for recreation, food harvesting, and other culturally important activities, Port Gamble Bay, home to the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, is one of seven Puget Sound Initiative priority bays.
Our sediment monitoring team contributes to the Smithsonian’s Global Genome Initiative
Our scientists use DNA barcoding to identify Puget Sound benthic invertebrates. This work is a collaboration for the Global Genome Initiative.
Bellingham community active in Waterfront cleanup outreach

Walking tours of a cleanup-site help the Bellingham community get involved in the transformation of the central waterfront.

Puget Sound officially a No Discharge Zone
Creating a No Discharge Zone (NDZ) helps protect shellfish beds, swimming beaches, and other areas that are especially vulnerable.
Making food packaging safer with alternatives to toxic chemicals
Consumers in Washington may soon see safer food packaging. We published a report identifying alternatives with fewer toxic chemicals.