Boots on the ground

Boots on the Ground is our series featuring the Washington Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program offering hands-on experience, field skills, and traning opportunities to young adults between 18 and 25, and military veterans.
Boots on the Ground is our series featuring the Washington Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program offering hands-on experience, field skills, and traning opportunities to young adults between 18 and 25, and military veterans.

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Got New Year’s resolutions? The two-tentacled hydroid proves that change is possible
Beneath the waters of Puget Sound, the two-tentacled hydroid proves that it’s possible to make a completely fresh start, while still keeping a few of those old bad habits.
Reducing plastics in Washington
Plastic pollution is everywhere and poses a threat to human health, wildlife, and the environment .
Fecal Matters: BEACH Program Update – No contact advisory lifted at eight beaches, two remain under advisory.
July 8, 2021. Routine sampling this week revealed that 8 beaches had lower levels of bacteria and the advisories were lifted. Two beaches remain under advisory and are unsafe for water contact.
Fecal Matters: Saltwater State Park is Closed to Water Recreation, King County
Public Health Seattle & King County issued a closure at Saltwater State Park in King County.
Our work to rid schools and buildings of hazardous PCBs
Few would argue there are higher priorities than protecting children. We want to see that protection extended to those who work in the places where they spend vast amounts of time: schools.
Fecal Matters: Health advisory issued for Wing Point Area due to sewage spill, Kitsap County
A health advisory issued for Wing Point Area due to sewage spill in Kitsap County
Vamos a #PrepararnosparaelHumoJuntos Junio 13-17
Prepárese para #SmokeReadyTogether este año y ayude a prevenir incendios forestales con estos consejos.
Fecal Matters: Cormorant Cove beach is closed to water recreation, King County
On Jan. 10, 2023, Seattle Public Utilities issued a closure at Cormorant Cove beach in King County.
Environmental Restoration Grants open for 2023

Ecology accepting grant applications for restoration projects.

The trash-climate connection: what you need to know
We are taking steps to protect the climate by reducing methane emissions from landfills. But what is methane, and how is it connected to trash and climate?