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160 results.
Cleaning up: In-water cleanup moving forward at Seattle’s iconic Gas Works Park
Cleanup of Gas Works Park in Seattle is moving forward. We invite you to comment on two environmental cleanup documents and attend a public meeting.
Join us Nov. 8 and 9 to learn how you might be impacted by lead and arsenic in your soil
We are hosting two public meetings in central Washington on lead and arsenate in former orchard lands.
Blue Heron Slough to provide critical habitat to salmon
The Blue Heron Slough project is restoring 353 acres of Snohomish River estuary habitat, which will benefit Chinook salmon and in turn, aid recovery of southern resident orcas in Puget Sound.
Two sites in King County move forward on environmental cleanup for affordable housing
Two cleanup sites in King County slated for redevelopment into affordable housing are both reaching key cleanup milestones this summer, and we’re inviting the public to comment.
Cleaning up: Pasco Landfill
More than 35,000 drums were removed from the closed Pasco Landfill. Contractors completed the work safely, incorporated green principles, and positively impacted the community.
Cleaning up for affordable housing on Bellingham Bay
Once contaminated by decades of use as storage for a paper mill byproduct called lignin, four acres of downtown Bellingham will soon be cleaned up and redeveloped into affordable housing.
Columbia Gorge smelter cleanup, redevelopment considered
Cleanup plans taking shape at former Columbia Gorge Aluminum smelter near Goldendale.
Cleaning up: Getting ready for more Bellingham Bay cleanup
Ecology is cleaning up Bellingham Bay one site at a time. This year you’ll see fieldwork at TWO sites!
Tune into the next Let's Talk About Hanford
We're going to be sharing information about three important Hanford cleanup facilities in the next edition of Let's Talk About Hanford.
Big improvements to Ecology apps make it easier to find toxics cleanup information
We've made big updates to our toxic cleanup site map tool. We also redesigned and expanded the cleanup site webpages, making it easier to get more info about individual cleanup sites.