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Cleaning up: An affordable housing milestone
A pair of street corners in Southeast Seattle may not look like much right now, but they're already a first-of-its-kind cleanup site for Ecology.
Clean water on agricultural lands: The facts about Ecology’s watershed evaluation program
An important part of our work is to find and control sources of pollution that don't come out of an industrial pipe.
Update about making Puget Sound a No Discharge Zone for vessel sewage

We've asked the EPA to make the Puget Sound off limits to discharging sewage from vessels.  

We're over the moon for the moon snail
With its easily recognizable shell (the largest found on Puget Sound beaches), we are certainly over the moon for this month's critter: the Moon Snail.
Ring in the New Year with the black-eyed hermit crab
The black-eyed hermit is never far from home, because it carries it along. Hermit crabs find protection from predators inside empty snail shells.
Eyes Over Puget Sound: La Niña is here!

November 2016 surface-conditions report: heavy rains swelled Puget Sound rivers and streams to above-normal levels, so water temperatures, salinity, and oxygen improved.

Making a stink: the Pacific stinkworm
When disturbed, Travisia pupa, the stinkworm, as its name suggests, gives off a pungent odor similar to rotting garlic.
Sound-to-table? The sweet potato sea cucumber is a produce impersonator
With its smooth, plump body, this month’s critter bears a resemblance to items you might find in a grocery store. Meet Molpadia intermedia, the Sweet Potato Sea Cucumber.
Riddle me this: What is a glistenworm?
The glistenworm is a shell-less, footless mollusk that burrows into marine sediments by digging with the shield around its mouth.
"How much clean air do we need?"

Learn how and why Washington adopted its own Clean Air Act.