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Mercury in retrograde: Tracking down a toxic threat
Cleaning up mercury contamination and getting mercury out of the environment has been a priority at Ecology for decades
Turning on the pumps
Last week, the Bertrand Watershed Improvement District turned on pumps that will put more water into the creek during the late summer/early fall low-flow season.
Boots on the Ground: WCC responds to Hurricane Harvey
Hear from two Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) AmeriCorps members serving a 30-day deployment to Texas to assist communities after Hurricane Harvey hit in late August.
Eyes Over Puget Sound; Sunny, warm, and colorful
Late summer 2017 brings warm air temperatures and drier conditions throughout Puget Sound. Streamflows in the region's northern rivers are lower than rivers in South Puget Sound.
Acquavella adjudication winding down
Puget Sound Nutrient Watch: A new blog series
This Puget Sound Nutrient Watch looks at the importance of excess nutrients and how they affect Puget Sound.
A moment in the sun for the common sun star
Protecting shorelines for public and environmental benefits
This week, Ecology formally revised the state procedural rules for managing marine and freshwater shorelines.