
We help protect and manage 22,000 miles of state stream, river, lake, and marine shorelines.
We help protect and manage 22,000 miles of state stream, river, lake, and marine shorelines.

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70 results.

Helping communities reduce risks before floods, find solutions in the aftermath
In February, 2020, flooding brought the biggest disaster in decades to Southeast Washington. Learn how we're helping communities recover and improve their resiliency to future floods.
Homeless encampment cleanup will help protect Washington residents from contamination
Gov. Inslee’s proposed budget provides funds for homeless encampment cleanup and support, which protects the environment and people, including those experiencing homelessness.
Fecal Matters: Saltwater State Park is now open to the public, King County
Seattle and King County Public Health have lifted the no-contact advisory to water contact at Saltwater State Park and Washington State Parks have re-opened the park to the public.
Ecology adopts rule to strengthen railroads’ oil spill response efforts

Ecology has adopted a new rule to strengthen railroads’ oil spill response efforts.

State adds airboat to its oil spill response toolbox
State of Washington's purchases airboat to use in sensitive coastal areas.
New app shows softer side of Puget Sound

Online tool shows examples of Puget Sound beaches where hard shoreline armoring was removed and environmentally-friendly solutions installed.

Local video highlights 'soft' shoreline stabilization approaches

Shoreline stabilization video highlighting approaches property owners can use to protect shorelines while also promoting a healthy ecosystem.

Marine spatial plan adopted to protect our coastal resources

The state worked closely with numerous partners to develop the marine spatial plan which contains policies to protect sensitive ecological areas and fisheries.

Ecology opposes federal proposal to allow offshore drilling on Washington’s coast

Ecology Director Bellon submitted a letter to the U.S. Interior Secretary opposing a federal proposal to allow offshore oil and natural gas leasing on WA's outer continental shelf.

Everett area could get nearly $4 million for habitat restoration

A proposed settlement could provide nearly $4 million to fund restoration sites in Port Gardner Bay and the Snohomish River that were damaged by industrial pollution.