
We manage grants and loans that benefit the health of Washington's land, air, and water.
We manage grants and loans that benefit the health of Washington's land, air, and water.

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52 results.

Ecology grants expand charging networks and increase zero-emission vehicles

Ecology Volkswagen enforcement action grants help to expand Level 2 charging plugs and increase zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles across Washington.

Projects for communities, by communities — launching the air quality community grant program

We are launching the Air Quality Community Grant Program and inviting organizations from 16 overburdened communities across Washington to apply for grants that improve local air quality. 

Up to $10.7 million is still available for water banking projects

Eligibility has expanded for Ecology's Water Banking Pilot Grants.

Not your grandparents' auto shop

A new training program at Centralia High School aims to inspire students to pursue careers in renewable energies.This pilot program is made possible with grants from the Department of Ecology.

World Wetlands Day

It's World Wetlands Day help us celebrate by learning more about Wetlands and how we're protecting them. 

Local partners using $3 million to safeguard critical shoreline areas

We are providing $3 million to help our partners safegurard their local shorelines.

Application period open for oil spill equipment grants

2023 oil spill equipment grant application period is now open.

Ecology funds all FCAAP 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant Projects

Ecology has funded all five applications for 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant projects under the Flood Control Assistance Account Program (FCAAP).

Investing in cleaner water by the millions (of dollars)
We fund hundreds of water quality projects each year — look back at recent projects to learn more about what is possible with clean water grants and loans.
“Watershed” moment: successes in wetland restoration and regenerative farming in Douglas County
With grant funds from Ecology, the Foster Creek Conservation District is working on a new round of projects to restore the watershed, monitor water quality, and improve soil health near Foster Creek.