CLARC data tables and other technical information

The CLARC spreadsheet has information to help cleanup project managers and other stakeholders determine cleanup levels for hazardous waste sites. These data tables provide:

  • Method A cleanup levels
  • Default human health cleanup levels for soil, groundwater, surface water, air, and vapor intrusion calculated using the standard Method B and Method C equations from the Model Toxic Control Act (MTCA) Cleanup Regulations.
  • Information about the physical parameters and toxicity of chemicals
  • Federal and state legal standards that must be considered when selecting cleanup levels.
  • A table of noncancer toxic effects of chemicals as compiled from EPA's IRIS database and other sources.

Download CLARC data tables

The Excel and PDF files have the same information; only the format is different. See Glossary for terms and acronyms found in these files. To see a list of past changes to CLARC, download the Change History (pdf). We update this file whenever we update CLARC.

Notes on using CLARC


CLARC is not mandated by law, but rather is provided as a service to staff and the public. While the information provided in CLARC is extensive, it is not exhaustive and the user may need to obtain information from additional sources for certain hazardous substances. Although CLARC has undergone review to ensure the quality of the information provided, there is no assurance that CLARC is free from errors. If necessary, calculation results and values obtained from applicable state and federal laws and literature sources should be verified independently and confirmed by consulting Ecology's site managers. CLARC cannot be relied on to create rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party in litigation with the State of Washington.