E-Cycle WA 2025 final administrative fee tier schedule
Manufacturers of electronics that are recycled through the E-Cycle pay a fee to cover the costs associated with implementing the program.
Establishing the administrative fee schedule
We assess an annual administrative fee to cover costs for implementing the E-Cycle WA electronic product recycling program. This fee is separate from any fees assessed through an electronics recycling plan, such as the plan operated by the MMFA.
We may use any combination of the following data to establish the administrative fee:
- Generally available market research data
- Covered electronic product unit sales data supplied by manufacturers for brands they manufacture or sell
- Covered electronic product unit sales data supplied by retailers for brands they sell
The administrative fee is distributed among manufacturers on a sliding scale based on tiers that are representative of annual sales of covered electronic products in or into Washington. We will publish the preliminary tier schedule by June 1 of each calendar year.
2025 Final Administrative Fee Tier Schedule
Tier | Weight (lbs) Sold | Manufacturer's percentage of total weight market share | 2025 Final Fee Amount |
Tier 1 | 2,040,405 and above | 5% or greater | $35,382 |
Tier 2 | 408,081 - 2,040,404 | 1% to < 5% | $10,390 |
Tier 3 | 40,808 – 408,080 | 0.1% to < 1% | $1,063 |
Tier 4 | 12,242 – 40,807 | 0.03% to < 0.1% | $168 |
Tier 5 | 4,081 - 12,241 | 0.01% to < 0.03% | $55 |
Tier 6 | 1 - 4,080 | Below 0.01% | $0 |
Tier reassignment request
Manufacturers have until July 1 to submit a request for tier reassignment for that year if they believe they are assigned to the wrong tier. To request a tier reassignment, a manufacturer must do one of the following:
- Send us the number of CEP units sold and weight, if available, in the prior calendar year in or into Washington and nationally
- Contact Christine Haun at christine.haun@ecy.wa.gov
If covered electronic product unit sales data is provided, we'll exempt this data from public disclosure in accordance with RCW 42.56.270. To protect information as proprietary, contact Christine Haun at 360-407-6107 for further instructions.
Final tier schedule
By Aug. 1 of each year, we will publish the final tier schedule on this website. The final tier schedule reflects our evaluation of all available data including tier reassignment requests.
Related links
Contact information
Christine Haun
E-Cycle Lead