Sand & Gravel General Permit history

This permit is reissued every five years. We provide key documents from the past two cycles of this public process, including fact sheets, appeal documentation, and our response to comments.

2016 permit documents & 2018 permit modification

The 2016 permit was appealed by the Washington Aggregate and Concrete Association (WACA). A settlement was reached on modified language for the permit in August 2017. We issued the Modified Sand and Gravel Permit on Jan. 19, 2018. 

The modified permit language allows more flexibility for portable operations and new concrete recyclers. The appeal resulted in modifications to:

  • pH monitoring for asphalt batch plants and asphalt recycling (S2, Table 2)
  • Concrete recycling best management practices (S8.F)
  • Coverage for portable facilities (S12.B) and related coverage forms

Key documents from the 2016 permit issuance and the 2018 modification:

2011 Permit documents                       

Previous Sand & Gravel General Permits

The first Sand and Gravel General Permit was issued in 1994. Past versions of the permit and related permit documents are searchable through the Water Quality Permitting and Reporting Information System (PARIS).