Regulations & Permits
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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
Dioxin Study Technical Memo
This is a PDF file that summarizes well testing results in the Lower Yakima Valley.
Watcom Clean Water Map
This map shows the Watcom Clean Water Program Area
Hull Cleaning Advisory flyer
Use this guidance poster to encourage boatyard cleaning instead of underwater cleaning of boats.
Washington State Marinas with Marine Oil Recycling
Find a local marina with oil recycling for your boat fuel
Stormwater Work Group recommendations for second round effectiveness studies
This letter from the SWG chair outlines the funding recommendations for the second round of effectiveness studies for Stormwater Action Monitoring
BOD benchsheet for SM 5210B
This a quality-control tool for environmental laboratories is used with the 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test, Standard Method 5210-B.
pH benchsheet
is a quality-control tool for environmental laboratories.
Total suspended solids benchsheet
is a quality-control tool for environmental laboratories.
Previous Permit 2014 Fact Sheet
Water Treatment Plant 2014 previous permit fact sheet.
Addendum to Informal Draft Language
This addendum goes with the draft rule language for the informal comment period.
Letter to Chairman Barrossa Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
A letter from the Washington Department of Ecology, signed by Director Maia Bellon, to Senators John Barrsso and Tom Carpenter, Chairman and ranking member of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, respectively, setting the record straight on why a water quality certification was denied to Millennium Bilk Terminals - Longview.
Uplet Outlet Ecology Approval Letter
This document explains 2gH Solutions Uplet Outlet is not approved by Ecology, however it is allowed to be installed with stipulations.
Adopted Rule Language (WAC 173-201A) 12/30/19
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
401 Certification - Wynoochee
The 401 certification document for Wynoochee
Webinar Agenda July 10 2018
Agenda for the July 10, 2018 Manual Update Webinar
Withdrawal Notice (WAC 173-201A) 9/11/2012
This is the withdrawn rulemaking announcement (CR 101) for WAC 173-201A Water quality standards for surface waters of the state of Washington.
Adopted Rule Language (WAC 173-224) 06/22/21
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-224 Water Quality Permit Fees
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-201A) 09/17/21
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
Preliminary Draft EIS (WAC 173-201A) 06/10/20
Preliminary Draft EIS for PCB Variances on the Spokane River. Chapter 173-201A WAC.
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-201A) 03/22/22
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards
931 results
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