Regulations & Permits
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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
Section Manager
Draft report to the Legislature that provides recommendations for cannabis lab accreditation.
Cannabis Lab Accreditation Webinar Slides, 10-25-2018
Slide deck from outreach event about the draft legislative report on the accreditation of cannabis laboratories.
Cannabis Lab Report
Overview of Ecology's 2019 report to the Legislature on the state's cannabis lab accreditation program.
Plan to improve cannabis lab accreditation
Ecology's overview of their plan to move cannabis lab accreditation to Ecology from the Liquor and Cannabis Board.
Ecology Open Data Report 2017
Reports progress on the five measures set in Ecology's Open Data Plan.
Ecology Open Data Plan 2018
Ecology's strategy for enabling public access to our business data sets, satisfy the requirements of RCW 43.105.351.
Recycling Development Center
Washington State's Recycling Development Center: Developing secondary markets for recycled materials in the Pacific Northwest
Centroid calculator
An Excel/VBA program to calculate the centroid of a time-concentration series or any x-y series of data.
Final Report Clallam County Bluffs
Final scientific report on Bluffs in Clallam County
BEACH Annual Report Summary 2004 - 2018
Beaches passing swimming standard from 2004 - 2018
Table for 2018 Candidate random sampling sites
These are the data that support the 2018 Candidate Sampling Sites map located here:
Eyes Over Puget Sound - Latest
Surface conditions of Puget Sound - high-resolution aerial photo observations with data from our monthly monitoring stations and en route ferry transects.
Dioxin Study Technical Memo
This is a PDF file that summarizes well testing results in the Lower Yakima Valley.
Watershed Health sentinel (reference) sites 2009-2018
Data tables for the map here:
Watershed Heatlh Monitoring randomly chosen sites from 2009 - 2017
Data tables for map here:
Water Quality Index spreadsheet, version 6
The Water Quality Index, or WQI, summarizes and presents water-quality data in an easily understood format. This spreadsheet is a downloadable tool for calculating a WQI score based on your own data.
Bonneville Power Administration TSD permit (PDF)
A permit issued in 2011 allowing the Bonneville Power Administration to treat, store and dispose of dangerous waste.
Seasoft Scuba NOP
This is a Notice of Penalty for Seasoft Scuba
Transcript of the "Is your dry cleaner still using toxic PERC?" audio blog
Fifty dry cleaning businesses across the state have now switched from using toxic perchloroethylene (PERC) to a less toxic alternative since 2019. However, approximately 60 PERC-using businesses are still operating, prompting Ecology to redouble its efforts to eliminate the hazardous chemical from use.
List of Businesses Participating in Product Replacement Programs
List of businesses participating in our product replacement programs.
661 results
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