Regulations & Permits

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Regulations & Permits

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Municipal stormwater permit reissuance
Information about the reissuance of 2024 Western and Eastern Washington Municipal Stormwater permits.
Biosolids laws, rules, and support documents
See Washington's biosolids laws, the administrative rules we operate under, and support documents.
Municipal stormwater permit compliance assurance program
We use a proactive approach to ensuring the permits are implemented and effective.
Air Liquide Hydrogen Plant, Anacortes
We regulate water and hazardous waste activities at the Air Liquide hydrogen plant in Anacortes.
Aquatic Mosquito Control General Permit
This permit allows the use of insecticides to control mosquitoes.
Alcoa Wenatchee
We regulate the water and hazardous waste at Alcoa's Wenatchee aluminum smelter in Malaga.
Aquatic Noxious Weed Control General Permit
We issue this general permit to manage freshwater and marine noxious weeds in Washington.
Columbia & Cowlitz Railway
We regulate the water and hazardous waste activities at the Columbia & Cowlitz Railway in Longview.
Aquatic Plant & Algae Management General Permit
This permit covers the in-water and shoreline management of plants, algae, and phosphorus.
Eagle US 2, Longview
We regulate water and hazardous waste at the Axiall Corporation's Eagle US 2 plant in Longview.
Irrigation System Aquatic Weed Control permit
This permit regulates the use of pesticides to manage plant and algae growth in irrigation systems.
Zostera japonica management on commercial clam beds in Willapa Bay General Permit
This permit allows the use of an herbicide to control non-native eelgrass in Willapa Bay.
Hasa, Longview
We regulate water and hazardous waste activities at the Hasa bleach repackaging plant in Longview.
Northwest Alloys, Longview
We regulate water, hazardous waste and cleanup activities at Northwest Alloys in Longview.
Pacific Functional Fluids
We regulate wastewater and hazardous waste activities at Pacific Functional Fluids in Tacoma.
Solvay Chemicals, Longview
We regulate the water and hazardous waste activities at the Solvay chemical plant in Longview.
Water budgets of individual local trees
This study investigates how much water trees use and may help us mitigate stormwater.
Pacific Coast Coal Company
We permit the water quality discharge at the Pacific Coast Coal Company for the John Henry Mine.
North Pacific Paper Corporation (NORPAC)
We regulate the water and hazardous waste activities at the NORPAC paper mill in Longview.
For operators: Biosolids fees, forms, & annual reports
Help for operators and managers with permits, annual reports, and fees.
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