Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Spokane County's Second 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan for Carbon Monoxide
State Implementation Plan Revision for Spokane County Second 10-Year Limited Maintenance Plan for Carbon Monoxide
Baseline modeling inventory for Prevention of Significant Deterioration-permitted facilities
This is a spreadsheet of the baseline modeling emissions inventory for Prevention of Significant Deterioration-permitted facilities.
2014 emissions inventory for Prevention of Significant Deterioration-permitted facilities
This is the spreadsheet of 2014 emissions inventory for facilities with a Prevention of Significant Deterioration permit.
Input data for modeling emissions inventory for Prevention of Significant Deterioration-permitted facilities
This is a spreadsheet of the input data for modeling emissions inventory for Prevention of Significant Deterioration-permitted facilities.
Prevention of Significant Deterioration baseline emissions inventory technical support
This is the technical support document for the baseline emissions inventory for facilities with a Prevention of Significant Deterioration permit.
Fireplaces Certified in Washington
List of fireplaces that meet Washington standards
Volkswagen (VW) Notice of Penalty - State
State Notice of Penalty for Volkswagen (VW)
Clean Air Rule: Potentially Eligible Parties
Organizations that emit 70,000 metric tons of carbon pollution or more are regulated by the Clean Air Rule. This is a list of organizations that potentially meet this criteria.
Sabey Intergate Data Center - Notice of Construction permit and technical support document
Notice of Construction permit and technical support document for Sabey Intergate Data Center, 4/20/16
Yahoo Data Center - Notice of Construction permit and technical support document
Notice of Construction permit and Technical Support Document for Yahoo Data Center, 5/25/16
Yahoo Data Center - Technical Support Document for Notice of Construction permit
Technical Support Document for Notice of Construction permit for Yahoo Data Center, 5/25/16
Yahoo Data Center - Health Impact Assessment letter
Health Impact Assessment (Second Tier Review) Letter for Yahoo Data Center, 2/17/16
Vantage Data Center - Notice of Construction application
Notice of Construction application for Vantage Data Center, 8/10/16
Vantage Data Center - Health Impact Assessment Protocol
Methods and procedures to follow for a Health Impact Assessment (Second Tier Review) for Vantage Data Center, 3/7/16
Vantage Data Center - Air Dispersion Modeling Protocol
Protocol and methods for air dispersion modeling for a Notice of Construction application for Vantage Data Center, 2/25/16
Microsoft Oxford Data Center - Draft Notice of Construction permit
Draft notice of construction permit for Microsoft Oxford Notice of Construction Application, 9/22/16
Microsoft Oxford Data Center - Technical Support Document for Draft Notice of Construction permit
Draft Notice of Construction Technical Support Document for Microsoft Oxford Data Center, 9/22/16
Microsoft Oxford Data Center - Completeness letter
Completeness determination letter for Microsoft Oxford Data Center
Microsoft Oxford Data Center - Request for revision of Notice of Construction permit
Request for revisions to Microsoft Oxford Data Center Notice of Construction permit, 4/8/16
Microsoft Oxford Data Center - Health Impact Assessment
Health Impact Assessment for Microsoft Oxford Data Center, 4/8/16
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