Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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The Tri-Cities Ozone Precursor Study
A report on the ozone study conducted in the Tri-Cities area.
State Implementation Plan Process
This is the text version of the steps to develop and finalize a state implementation plan.
Washington Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program - Reported Emissions for 2012-2015
Certain large facilities are required to submit their greenhouse gas emissions to Ecology. This is the report of those emissions from 2012-2015.
VW Final Executed Trust Agreements, October 2017
United States' notice of final trust agreement for VW federal settlement.
2017 VW affected vehicles registered in Washington.
The text version for the map showing where, by percentage, the affected cars are registered in Washington.
Washington State Agencies Required to Report their Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Ecology
Some Washington state agencies are required to report their greenhouse gas emissions to Ecology. This is a list of those that are required.
Washington State Agency Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Calculator Instructions
Instructions to help state agencies fill out the greenhouse gas calculator.
Approved verifiers and verification bodies for greenhouse gas reporting
A list of approved third party verifiers and verification bodies in Washington's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.
Oath Approval Order 16AQ-E012 Amendment 2
This is the 2017 amendment 2 approval order for Oath Holdings in Quincy.
Continued Response Actions to Partial Collapse of PUREX Tunnel 1
Due to the continued immediate threat to human health and the environment posed by the instability of PUREX Tunnel 1, Ecology approves grouting of PUREX Tunnel 1 as an interim stabilization measure.
Yahoo Data Center - Legal notice for revised Notice of Construction permit
Legal notice for revised Notice of Construction permit for Yahoo Data Center, 8/8/17
Amended Administrative Order Docket #15419 amending Order Docket #14156
This amended order adds PUREX Tunnel 2 to the scope of Corrective Action 3 and provides additional time for USDOE-RL and CHPRC to complete Corrective Action 3.
Yahoo Data Center - Technical Support Document for Notice of Construction permit
Technical Support Document for Notice of Construction permit for Yahoo Data Center, 7/13/17
Yahoo Data Center - Notice of Construction application
Notice of Construction application for Yahoo Data Center, 6/9/17
Vantage Data Center, Quincy Agreed Order with TSD & R2C
This is the Agreed Order 16AQ-E026 for Vantage Data Center with the Technical Support Doc and the Response to Comments attached.
2017 Noxious Weed General Permit
Noxious Weed General Permit from 2017.
2017 Noxious Weed General Permit Fact Sheet
Noxious Weed General Permit Fact Sheet from 2017.
Potential MS4 Outfall Reporting Standard Attribute Information (February 2017)
This handout was created as part of the MS4 Outfall Reporting Standard presentation and illustrates our initial thinking on what a MS4 outfall reporting standard might look like.
Meeting introduction for Reissuance of the Phase I and Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permits
This is a meeting agenda and background for the public meetings of the Reissuance of the Phase I and Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permits in 2017.
Public meeting table prompts for MS4 reissuance 2017
This is the list of table prompts from the public meeting for the MS4 reissuance process.
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