Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking June 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 6-25-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking June 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 6-25-20 public rulemaking webinar
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking July 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 7-23-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking July 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 7-23-20 public rulemaking webinar
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking August 2020 Presentation
Public webinar presentation given 8-27-20
Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Projects (GAP) Rulemaking August 2020 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary for 8-27-20 public rulemaking webinar
Adopted emergency rule language (WAC 173-446) 9-7-23
This is the second emergency adopted rule language for WAC 173-446, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule.
Agenda (WAC 173-441) 10-12-23
This is the agenda for the October 12, 2023 meeting to provide feedback on draft rule language for the Electricity Markets rulemaking.
Agenda (WAC 173-441) 10-16-23
This is the agenda for the October 16, 2023 meeting to provide feedback on draft rule language for the Electricity Markets rulemaking.
Agenda (WAC 173-441) 11-8-23
This is the agenda for the November 8, 2023 public meeting for Chapter 173-441 WAC, Electricity Markets rulemaking.
Adopted emergency rule language (WAC 173-446) 1-4-24
This is the third emergency adopted rule language for WAC 173-446, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule.
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-446) 2-21-24
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-446, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule.
Agenda (WAC 173-424) 2-22-24
This is the agenda for the February 22, 2024 public meeting for the Clean Fuel Standard rulemaking.
Agenda (WAC 173-424) 2-28-24
This is the agenda for the February 28, 2024 public meeting for the Clean Fuel Standard rulemaking.
State Agency Reporting Instructions
.pdf instructions for State Agencies reporting GHG emissions using the State Agency GHG Reporting tool
State Agency Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator
Excel sheet used to determine state agencies annual greenhouse gas emissions
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-446B)
Adopted rule language WAC 173-446B
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-441)
Adopted rule language WAC 173-441
Adopted rule language (WAC 173-446)
Adopted rule language WAC 173-446
Fuel Exemptions Workgroup Meeting Agendas and Summaries
Agendas and summaries from the fuel exemption workgroup meeting
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