Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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200923 phonein NWIW hearing
Sept. 23 phone in NWIW hearing transcript
200922pm NWIW hearing
200922pm NWIW hearing transcript
NWIW-Kalama presentation, Sept. 17, 2020
PowerPoint presentation provided at the Sept. 17, 2020, public hearing for the NWIW-Kalama project.
Sept. 17, 2020 - NWIW - SSEIS hearing transcript
A transcript of the hearing on the second supplemental environmental impact statement for the Northwest Innovation Works-Kalama proposal.
TransAlta Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) order, 6/18/10
This is the TransAlta Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) order, 6/18/10.
200922am NWIW hearing
Sept. 22 a.m. NWIW hearing transcript
May 25, 2010 TransAlta agreement
This is the May 25, 2010 agreement between Ecology and TransAlta for the TransAlta power plant.
Technical support document for the air quality general order for asphalt plants
This is the technical support document for the air quality general order for asphalt plants.
Historic 2010 Upland Fin-fish Hatching and Rearing General Permit
This is the 2010 general permit for upland fin-fish hatching and rearing general permit. This is a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and State Waste Discharge General Permit for discharges to water associated with upland fin-fish hatching and rearing activities.
Washington Department of Information Services Data Center - Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment
Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment (Second Tier Review) for Washington Department of Information Services Data Center, 9/16/10
Blackrock-Sabey Data Centers - Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment
Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment (Second Tier Review) for Blackrock and Sabey Data Centers, 10/5/10
Quincy Air Quality Maps
Maps of Quincy air quality before and after Microsoft Columbia Data Center permit (from 12/13/10 community forum), 12/10
Microsoft Columbia Data Center - Notice of Construction permit
Notice of Construction permit for Microsoft Columbia Data Center, 10/26/10
Microsoft Columbia Data Center - Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment
Technical Support Document for the Health Impact Assessment (Third Tier Review) for Microsoft Columbia Data Center, 8/20/10
Microsoft Columbia Data Center - Technical Support Document for Notice of Construction permit
Technical Support Document for Notice of Construction permit for Microsoft Columbia Data Center, 8/12/10
Yahoo Data Center - Notice of Construction permit
Notice of Construction permit for Yahoo Data Center, 3/28/11
Yahoo Data Center - Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment
Technical Support Document for Health Impact Assessment (Third Tier Review) for Yahoo Data Center, 2/8/11
2011 Fact Sheet Sand and Gravel General Permit
Historical document for the Sand and Gravel General Permit.
2010 Stormwater Monitoring and Assessment Strategy for the Puget Sound Region
2010 Stormwater Monitoring and Assessment Strategy for the Puget Sound Region
2011 to 2016 Sand and Gravel Permit comparison
This shows the changes for the 2011 to 2016 Sand and Gravel General Permit.
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