Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Calls and web searches to the 1-800-RECYCLE hotline.
E-Cycle Retailer Toolkit
This toolkit document is intended for retailers of covered electronic products. This toolkit describes the E-Cycle Washington program and the performance standards for retailers.
Recycling Development Center
Washington State's Recycling Development Center: Developing secondary markets for recycled materials in the Pacific Northwest
This document explains the environmentally sound management and performance standards for direct processors in the E-Cycle Washington program.
CEP Recycling Plan Template
This document is a recycling plan template for the recycling of covered electronic products in the E-Cycle Washington program.
Response to Comments - Second Preliminary Draft (WAC 173-350)
Response to comments on December 2016 second preliminary draft (Chapter 173-350)
Rulemaking Order (CR-103)
This is the Order filed by the agency to adopt the rule
Part Three
Solid waste handling standards part three
Part Two
Solid waste handling standards part two
Pre-proposal statement of inquiry (CR-101)
Pre-proposal statement of inquiry (CR-101)
Proposal Notice - CR 102 form
This is the CR-102 form for rulemaking regarding requirements that some plastic products contain a minimum amount of recycled plastic.
Proposal Rule Language
This document contains the proposed rule language for the CR-102 phase of rulemaking regarding requirements for some plastic products to contain a minimum amount of recycled plastic.
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Agenda - July 7, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Agenda - July 7, 2015
Piles Work Group Meeting Agenda and Notes - March 3, 2015
Piles Work Group Meeting Agenda and Notes - March 3, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Agenda - July 7, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Agenda - July 7, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Notes - July 7, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Notes - July 7, 2015
Piles Work Group Meeting Agenda and Notes - October 21, 2014
Piles Work Group Meeting Agenda and Notes - October 21, 2014
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Notes - July 7, 2015
Sections 210 & 310 Work Group Notes - July 7, 2015
Rule Advisory Committee Meeting Presentation 9-23-24
This is a presentation for the September 23, 2024 meeting of the Battery Stewardship Rule Advisory Committee.
Rule Advisory Committee Meeting Notes 9-23-24
This document contains the 9-23-24 meeting notes of the Advisory Committee on battery stewardship rulemaking in Washington.
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