Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Rulemaking Proposal Extension (WAC 173-201A) 7/11/24
This is a rulemaking proposal extension (CR-102 C) for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
Ecology Water Quality Stormwater Grants of Regional or Statewide Significance (GROSS) Program Guidance
Guidance for applying for Ecology Water Quality Stormwater Grants of Regional or Statewide Significance (GROSS) grants
Field Nutrient Budget Template
Template for submitting CAFO annual reports
Soos Creek SAP Appendix 1: 7-DADMAX thermal record graphs
7-DADMAX thermal record graphs for Soos Creek Watershed Temperature and DO TMDL Study and Analysis Plan, Appendix 1
Wastewater Treatment Plant Award Recipients
Current Year Wastewater Treatment Plant Award Recipients
Rulemaking Proposal (WAC 173-201A) 09/17/2024
This is a rulemaking proposal (CR-102) for Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
ACO StormBrixx approval letter
ACO StormBrixx Geocellular system is approved for stormwater detention storage.
Perry Pallet Functional Equivalent
Ecology finds Perry Pallet Mulch functionally equivalent to BMP C121 Mulching and BMP C235 Wattles.
StrataCell and StrataVault Functional Equivalencies
Ecology finds the StrataCell and StrataVault systems are functionally equivalent to a bioretention facility when used for treating stormwater.
Adopted Rule Language (WAC 173-201A) 11/14/24
This is adopted rule language for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
Rulemaking Adoption Notice (WAC 173-201A) 11/14/24
This is a rulemaking adoption (CR-103) for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
Rulemaking Adoption Notice (WAC 173-201A) 11/27/24
This is a rulemaking adoption (CR-103) for WAC 173-201A Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
Source Control Inspection Program Guidance Manual
Manual from the Washington Stormwater Center provides resources, templates, and strategies developed based on research, input, and experiences of jurisdictions that have developed similar programs.
River and stream flow monitoring
We report the amount of water flowing through Washington’s rivers and streams using graphs and maps.
Rivers & streams temperature monitoring
We collect data on the temperature of rivers and streams across the state.
Watershed health — Lower Columbia update
River and stream habitats in the Lower Columbia Region show some slight downward trends.
Watershed health — Coastal Region update
River and stream habitat in the Coastal Region may show some improvements, but changes are slight.
Watershed health — Mid-Columbia update
River and stream habitat in the Mid-Columbia Region shows slight improvement.
Watershed health — Puget Sound Region update
River and stream habitat in the Puget Sound Region shows variable conditions.
Sprague Lake Community Mtg
Sprague Lake Hydrology Analysis Community Kick-Off Meeting November 22, 2022
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