Find a moderate risk waste disposal site

Find a moderate risk waste disposal site in your county.

County moderate risk waste disposal sites and services

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Adams County

Bruce Transfer Station (Othello), Ritzville Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Asotin County

Asotin County Regional Landfill (Clarkston)
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Benton County

The county offers collection events for household hazardous waste.

Chelan County


Chelan County Moderate Risk Waste Facility

Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from business unless it is a scheduled small business collection event. Check with the County on the availability of this event for small businesses.

Clallam County

City of Port Angeles Regional Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Clark County

Central Transfer and Recycling Center (Vancouver), West Van Materials Recovery Center (Vancouver), Washougal Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses. See website or call for business and alternate drop-off location information.

Clean Earth Washougal
Accepts waste from small quantity generators at monthly collection events. Call for details.

Columbia County

509-382-2534 or 509-382-3995
Columbia County Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Cowlitz County

Waste Control Transfer Station (Longview)
Accepts: Hazardous waste from households; business small quantity generator waste by appointment.

Douglas County

Offers collection events for county residents' household hazardous wastes.

Ferry County

Call for information.

Franklin County

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (between Basin Recycling and BDI Transfer in Pasco)
Accepts: Hazardous waste from households only. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Garfield County

No hazardous waste collection for household or businesses. Garfield residents can use the services provided in Asotin County. The county recommends private hazardous waste disposal services for businesses.

Grant County

509-754-6082 ext 3508
Offers collection events for households and business small quantity generators. Businesses must register in advance.

Grays Harbor County


Grays Harbor County HHW Collection Facility (Montesano)
Accepts: Hazardous waste from households; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Island County

Coupeville Solid Waste Complex, Camano Drop Box & Recycle Park, Bayview Drop Box & Recycle Park, North Whidbey Drop Box & Recycle Park.
Accepts: Hazardous waste from households; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Jefferson County

Offers collection events for household hazardous wastes. See website for details.

King County

Hazardous waste line: 206-296-4692
North Seattle Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, South Seattle Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Site (Bellevue), Auburn
Accepts: Hazardous waste from households and small quantity generators. Offers mobile collection service through the travelling Wastemobile.

Kitsap County

Kitsap County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Kittitas County

Kittitas County Moderate Risk Waste Facility
Accepts: Household hazardous waste by appointment. Appointment and evaluation necessary for disposal of business hazardous waste. Call 509-962-7542 for an appointment.

Klickitat County

BZ Corners Transfer Station (White Salmon), Dallesport Transfer Station, Goldendale Transfer Station, Roosevelt Regional Landfill
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Lewis County

360-740-1221 or 360-740-1451
Lewis County HazoHut at the Central Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment. See website for collection event information.

Lincoln County

Lincoln County Transfer Station, 3.5 miles west of Davenport on State Route 2
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Mason County

360-427-9670 ext 271
Mason County Solid Waste Facility - Eells Hill, Transfer Station (Shelton)
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Okanogan County

Okanogan County Central Landfill, Twisp Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Pacific County

Pacific County Household Hazardous Waste Facility
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment. See website for collection event information.

Pend Oreille County

Call for information.

Pierce County

Hazardous Waste Line 800-287-6429
Tacoma Recovery and Transfer Center, Hidden Valley Transfer Station
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses. 

San Juan County

Offers hazardous waste collection events for households and business small quantity generators. Businesses must pre-register 10 days prior to event.

Skagit County

Skagit County Transfer & Recycling Station (Mount Vernon)
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Skamania County

Offers hazardous waste collection events for households. Does not offer collection services for businesses. Call for more information.

Snohomish County

Snohomish County Household Hazardous Waste Facility
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Spokane County

Valley Recycling/Transfer Station (Spokane Valley), Sunshine Disposal & Recycling (Spokane Valley), North County Recycling/Transfer Station (Colbert), Waste-to-Energy Facility (Spokane)
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Stevens County

Stevens County Landfill (Kettle Falls)
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Thurston County

Thurston County HazoHouse at the Thurston County Waste and Recovery Center
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment. 

Wahkiakum County

Cowlitz County provides a once-a-year collection event for Wahkiakum households. Call for information.

Walla Walla County

Sudbury Landfill Household Hazardous Waste Facility
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Whatcom County

Disposal of Toxics Facility
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.

Whitman County

Carothers Road Solid Waste Site
Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from businesses.

Yakima County

Terrace Heights Landfill
Accepts: Household hazardous waste; business small quantity generator hazardous waste by appointment.