Water quality permits

Managing wastewater and stormwater is important to protect the health of surface and groundwater. Using a system of water quality permits, we manage when, where, and how treated wastewater and stormwater enters the environment.

We also issue Section 401 water quality certifications that make sure federal agencies do not issue permits or licenses that violate state water quality standards. 

Do I need a permit?

If a municipality or industry releases wastewater into state or federal water (groundwater or surface water) or into a sewer that leads to a publically owned wastewater treatment facility, they must obtain a permit.

Which permit do I need?

The permit you need depends on what is in the wastewater you are producing (discharge characteristics) and where the wastewater is going (into the ground or a receiving water).

Types of permits

State Waste Discharge permits (SWD permits) regulate discharges from:

  • Municipalities or industries to groundwater. (discharge to ground)
  • Industry to a publicly owned wastewater treatment facility (pretreatment)
    We have been delegated authority from EPA to write these permits and they are required under the federal Clean Water Act.

These permits are issued:

  • Individually or through general permit coverage.
  • Based on state groundwater quality standards or federal effluent limit guidelines for industrial discharges to a publicly owned wastewater treatment facility.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Wastewater Discharge Permits regulate direct discharges to surface water from treatment facilities or commercial industry. We have delegation from the EPA to write these federal permits. These permits are a requirement of the federal Clean Water Act.

We issue these permits based on state surface water quality standards, which can be more stringent than federal water quality standards. NPDES permits are issued individually or through general permit coverage.

General water quality permits

General water quality permits regulate specific categories of discharge, such as stormwater or wineries, which release treated storm/wastewater to either surface or groundwater. If your industry isnt covered by a general permit category, you may need an individual permit. 

Individual water quality permits

We issue individual water quality permits for one specific entity where discharge characteristics are variable and do not fit a general permit category. Changes to these permits also follow a public comment process. 

Small scale prospecting and mining may require NPDES permit coverage. Prospectors should contact the regional permit coordinator listed on the individual permit page.