On August 17, 2022, the Kitsap Public Health District lifted the advisory at Silverdale Waterfront Park in Kitsap County. On this same date, The Whatcom County Health Department opened Larrabee State Park in Whatcom County. Water sample results show there is no longer a public health risk from water-borne bacteria. These parks are now open for water-contact recreation.
Local health jurisdictions issue water-contact advisories or closures at swimming beaches. The BEACH Program communicates the risk to the public.
Stay updated on water quality at local beaches by checking the BEACH Program swimming map, and also check out our swimming tips including showering after swimming and washing hands before eating if you’ve been in contact with the water or sand.
You can also follow our Fecal Matters blog posts, connect with us on Twitter and Facebook, or join our email notification list.
For more information
Contact Heather Gibbs, WA State BEACH Program Coordinator, at 360-480-4868 or heather.gibbs@ecy.wa.gov or contact the local health jurisdictions.