On July 5, 2022, Seattle Public Utilities issued a closure at Richey Viewpoint beach in King County. This closure is due to sewage discharge from a nearby condominium complex. The public is advised to avoid contact with the water in the affected area until further notice.
Contact with fecal-contaminated waters can result in gastroenteritis, skin rashes, upper respiratory infections, and other illnesses. Children and those who are immunocompromised may be more vulnerable to waterborne illnesses. We recommend showering after swimming and washing hands before eating if you’ve been in contact with the water or sand.
Stay updated on water quality at local beaches by checking the BEACH Program swimming map, following our Fecal Matters blog posts, connecting on Facebook, or joining our email notification list.
SPU and Local Health Departments issue water contact advisories or closures at swimming beaches. The BEACH Program communicates the risk to the public.
For more information
Heather Gibbs, our BEACH program manager, is available at 360-480-4868 or heather.gibbs@ecy.wa.gov for questions or contact the local health department.