MJB South Hydro Fill cleanup site, Anacortes
Comment on periodic review of this cleanup site
March 3, 2025, 12:01 a.m. - April 1, 2025, 11:59 p.m. PT
We review conditions at sites where some contamination remains about every five years, to make sure the cleanup is still effective.
We are providing an opportunity for public review and comment on the draft periodic review conducted at the MJB South Hydro Fill site, in Anacortes, Washington.
Ecology visited the site December 17, 2024. The cleanup action is effectively protecting human health and the environment from exposure to hazardous substances. An environmental covenant for the property is in place to protect the cleanup action and ensure it keeps working.
We will review comments received during the comment period and make recommendations for suggested changes. The periodic review will become final if no significant changes are made. We will hold an additional public comment period if we make significant changes.
Site history
The southern portion of the site was created in 1974 using sediment from dredging the navigation channel in Fidalgo Bay. Between 1991 to 2011, investigations found contamination in the soil and groundwater.
In 2010, workers remove about 3,291 cubic yards of contaminated soil during the construction of a boat ramp. Soil was disposed of at a landfill. In 2013, another 39 cubic yards were removed with follow-up testing.
Groundwater at the site is still contaminated, so in 2024 restrictions were placed on the property prohibiting using groudnwater.
Comment online
- Use our online comment form
- Submit your comment by email: david.horne@ecy.wa.gov
Comment by mail
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504
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