WAC 173-166 Emergency drought relief
Ecology is beginning a rulemaking to amend chapter 173-166 WAC Emergency Drought Relief.
Through rulemaking, Ecology plans to integrate information related to how Ecology manages its emergency drought funding program into the permanent rule governing emergency drought relief. This rulemaking plans to streamline administration of emergency drought funding and to add clarity and definition to processes and terms related to emergency drought relief.
This update also intends to integrate equity considerations into funding distribution, including considerations identified under the Healthy Environment for All Act. Additionally, this rulemaking seeks to clarify appeals processes for emergency drought funding decisions, as well as the petition process for drought declaration.
As droughts become more common with a changing climate, an updated drought rule will provide increased efficiency and transparency around emergency drought relief.
Rulemaking timeline
Announcement phase (CR-101)
Filing date:
Nov. 1, 2023
Announcement documents
Rule development phase
Nov. 1, 2023 – Fall 2024Public input & involvement
We plan to hold public meetings to provide information about the rulemaking and seek your input. We will update this page with meeting specifics. To get updates about these meetings and this rulemaking, join our email list.
Related links
- Statutory Authority: RCW 43.83B
Contact information
Caroline Mellor
Rulemaking Lead
Stay informed
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