Regulations & Permits
Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.
We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.
Creating a SAW account for Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS)
Instructions for creating a SAW account for Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS)
Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS) Add New Emissions form
form to add new emissions in Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS)
Washington Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program - Reported Emissions for 2012-2015
Certain large facilities are required to submit their greenhouse gas emissions to Ecology. This is the report of those emissions from 2012-2015.
Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS) Add New Process form
form to add new process in Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS)
VW federal settlement electric transit bus awards
Text version of Washington map showing where electric transit bus grant awards were dispersed
Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS) Add New Release Point form
Form to add new release point in Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS)
Transportation Fuel Supplier Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculator
This tool helps transportation fuel suppliers calculate their greenhouse gas emissions.
Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS) Add New Unit form
Form to add new unit in Washington Emissions Inventory Reporting System (WEIRS)
2001 - 2017 GHG and GDP percentage changes
graph showing population, economy, greenhouse gas emissions from 2001 - 2017
HFC User Guide, long version
This is the longer instructions about how to submit your completed HFC notification form using our online reporting system.
HFC User Guide, short version
This is the short (one-page) instructions about how to submit your completed HFC notification form using our online reporting system.
Washington State Agencies Required to Report their Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Ecology
Some Washington state agencies are required to report their greenhouse gas emissions to Ecology. This is a list of those that are required.
Washington State Agency Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Calculator Instructions
Instructions to help state agencies fill out the greenhouse gas calculator.
Air Quality Application Portal Training Guide
Instructions about how to access the Air Quality Portal within Secure Access Washington. You must access this portal for reporting. Version 1.1
Clean Air Rule: Potentially Eligible Parties
Organizations that emit 70,000 metric tons of carbon pollution or more are regulated by the Clean Air Rule. This is a list of organizations that potentially meet this criteria.
E-Cycle Washington 2016 Local Government and Community Satisfaction Report Summary
This report describes the 2016 local government and community satisfaction survey responses for the E-Cycle Washington program.
2014 Annual Report from WMMFA
This annual E-Cycle Washington report indicates the total CEPs collected in 2014 and the year to date total of CEPs collected. Additionally, this report breaks down the pounds collected by county and product type.
2016 Annual Report from WMMFA
This annual E-Cycle Washington report indicates the total CEPs collected in 2016 and the year to date total of CEPs collected. Additionally, this report breaks down the pounds collected by county and product type.
2012 Annual Report from WMMFA
This annual E-Cycle Washington report indicates the total CEPs collected in 2012 and the year to date total of CEPs collected. Additionally, this report breaks down the pounds collected by county and product type.
2015 Annual Report from WMMFA
This annual E-Cycle Washington report indicates the total CEPs collected in 2015 and the year to date total of CEPs collected. Additionally, this report breaks down the pounds collected by county and product type.
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