Regulations & Permits

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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Regulations & Permits

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our regulatory information.

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We oversee many state and federal laws designed to protect Washington's land, air, and water. See our laws, rules, & rulemaking page for more information about our current rules and rulemaking.

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2020 Dangerous Waste Regulations
Washington State's Dangerous Waste regulations, Chapter 173-303
PCB pathways in building materials
Text version of PCB pathways in building materials.
Submitting Group Comments
Use this excel spreadsheet to submit comments on a project for a group of people.
This is a grant application prep tool for competitive planning projects of the 2023-2025 Flood Control Assistance Account Program.
CPG Cuts focus sheet
Impact of cuts to local solid waste financial assistance
Hull Cleaning Advisory flyer
Use this guidance poster to encourage boatyard cleaning instead of underwater cleaning of boats.
Manure fact sheet E WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect manure fact sheet E WA
Dog poop fact sheet
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop fact sheet
Septic fact sheet E WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect septic fact sheet E WA
Yard care fact sheet E WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect yard care fact sheet E WA
Car maintance fact sheet WQ
Washington Waters Ours to Protect car maintenance fact sheet WQ
Car washing fact sheet English
Washington Waters Ours to Protect car washing fact sheet English
Car washing fact sheet Spanish
Washington Waters Ours to Protect car washing fact sheet Spanish
Car maintenance poster WQ
Washington Waters Ours to Protect car maintenance poster
Yard care fact sheet W WA English
Washington Waters Ours to Protect yard care fact sheet W WA English
Septic fact sheet W WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect septic fact sheet W WA
Dog poop fact sheet E WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect dog poop fact sheet E WA
Manure fact sheet W WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect manure fact sheet W WA
Washington State Marinas with Marine Oil Recycling
Find a local marina with oil recycling for your boat fuel
Manure poster E WA
Washington Waters Ours to Protect manure poster E WA
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