Research & Data

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Research & Data

Use this portal to filter and search for all of our scientific information.

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Ecology provides the high-quality science that is the foundation of Washington state environmental policy. Our monitoring, assessment, and modeling services provide a data-rich understanding of our state’s land, air, and water. We provide access to that data through reports, databases, maps and user-friendly online tools.

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Cap-and-Invest Linkage Survey Questions
This is a pdf of a survey being distributed by Ecology to get public input on linking Washington's carbon market with markets in other jurisdictions
Consideration of Electricity Imports and Determination of the Electricity Importer Under the Climate Commitment Act
Written request that the Department of Ecology publish formal reporting guidance for Electric Power Entities under the Climate Commitment Act or conduct an expedited rulemaking.
Washington Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program - Reported Emissions for 2012-2015
Certain large facilities are required to submit their greenhouse gas emissions to Ecology. This is the report of those emissions from 2012-2015.
Transportation Fuel Supplier Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculator
This tool helps transportation fuel suppliers calculate their greenhouse gas emissions.
Washington Total Annual Emissions
bar chart shoring Washington greenhouse gases the past decade
Washington State Agencies Required to Report their Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Ecology
Some Washington state agencies are required to report their greenhouse gas emissions to Ecology. This is a list of those that are required.
Washington State Agency Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Calculator Instructions
Instructions to help state agencies fill out the greenhouse gas calculator.
Air Quality Application Portal Training Guide
Instructions about how to access the Air Quality Portal within Secure Access Washington. You must access this portal for reporting. Version 1.1
Clean Air Rule Tracking System User Training Guide
Instructions for entering information into the Clean Air Rule Tracking system
Approved verifiers and verification bodies for greenhouse gas reporting
A list of approved third party verifiers and verification bodies in Washington's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.
Clean Air Rule: Potentially Eligible Parties
Organizations that emit 70,000 metric tons of carbon pollution or more are regulated by the Clean Air Rule. This is a list of organizations that potentially meet this criteria.
Adopted emergency rule language (WAC 173-446) 6-8-23
This is the first emergency adopted rule language for WAC 173-446, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule.
Rulemaking Announcement (WAC 173-446) 6-8-23
This is a rulemaking announcement (CR-101) for WAC 173-446, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule.
Rulemaking Emergency Adoption Notice (WAC 173-446) 6-8-23
This is the first emergency rulemaking adoption notice (CR-103E) for WAC 173-446, Climate Commitment Act Program Rule.
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