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Water curtailments for the Chehalis River basin

This is the fifth consecutive year we've issued curtailment orders or notices for junior surface water irrigation uses in the Chehalis basin to comply with regulatory requirements. 

Washington water law protects your water resources
Today marks the 100th anniversary of Washington's first water law, the foundation for how we manage water resources.
Protecting Puget Sound’s No Discharge Zone

We are continuing to implement the NDZ to protect Puget Sound while the court case proceeds. 

We’ve come a long way baby…
It’s an exciting year for Washington. We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Washington Clean Air Act! (Pt. 1 of 3)
Legacies of lead & arsenic (part 3)
Lead and arsenic still remain in the soils of former orchard lands, and exposure can create health risks. Learn how to keep you and your family safe.
Ecology releases first chapter of Voluntary Clean Water Guidance for Agriculture
We recently released the first draft chapter of the Voluntary Clean Water Guidance for Agriculture. It is a technical resource for producers that describes the best practices to protect water quality.
Counting every drop in the Yakima Basin
A main goal of the water conservation element of the Yakima Integrated Plan is to modernize agricultural water systems to reduce waste from leaks, seepage, and inefficient delivery methods.
EPA plan for Washington and Oregon rivers leaves salmon in hot water
We're submitting our comments on EPA temperature TMDL for the Columbia and Snake rivers.
Improving our permit that helps lake managers control aquatic plants and algae
We are looking for feedback on draft updates to the general permit for aquatic plant and algae management.
Tacoma Smelter Plume Yard Program progress

To address soil contamination left behind by the former Asarco smelter, we're breaking ground, removing dirt, and cleaning up 39 yards in North Tacoma and 16 yards on Vashon-Maury Island.