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464 results.

El que pronto no será tan “swift” Swift Creek
El Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington y el Departamento de Obras Públicas del Condado de Whatcom están colaborando en el proyecto de control de inundaciones y manejo de sedimentos.
Washington's Wetlands Warrior: one of Ecology's own receives national acclaim
For American Wetlands Month, we are honoring Ecology wetlands manager, Lauren Driscoll, who earned a national award for her body of work.
Cleaning up: Cleanup of shoreline and sediment moving forward for Seattle’s Gas Works Park

We're holding a public meeting about a cleanup action plan for the sediments around Gas Works Park in Seattle.

Tales of teaching Hanford

The Nuclear Waste Program rounded out outreach and education for the 2022-2023 in the Colville National Forest. 

Ecology funds all FCAAP 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant Projects

Ecology has funded all five applications for 2023-2025 Competitive Planning Grant projects under the Flood Control Assistance Account Program (FCAAP).

285 positions open with the Washington Conservation Corps

The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) recently opened recruitment for 285 AmeriCorps member positions around the state.

New report explores nutrient trading in Puget Sound

Join our virtual Puget Sound Nutrient Forum on July 25 for a presentation on nutrient trading in Puget Sound. 

Lower Duwamish Waterway reaches cleanup milestone

We’ve made solid progress on controlling sources of pollution in one reach of the Lower Duwamish Waterway. Ecology is recommending EPA proceed with cleanup at all but one sediment area.

Permit updates focus on cleaner stormwater for growing communities

Review Ecology's proposed changes to the municipal stormwater permits for the state's most populated cities and counties.

​​​Innovative conservation efforts save 50% more water at Auvil Fruit Company​

Through a partnership with Auvil Fruit Company, Ecology completed an innovative conservation and water banking project that has saved 50% more water at a Vantage orchard.