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283 results.

Cleaning up: In-water cleanup moving forward at Seattle’s iconic Gas Works Park
Cleanup of Gas Works Park in Seattle is moving forward. We invite you to comment on two environmental cleanup documents and attend a public meeting.
Reducing flood risks in our communities
Modern flood management strives to restore a floodplain’s natural flood capacity, protecting lives and homes while also benefiting fish and wildlife. Several state and federal grant programs can help.
Environmental restoration grants reach across state
We are awarding nearly $640,000 to fund 15 projects that will significantly improve water quality and the environment statewide.
Cleaning up: Getting ready for more Bellingham Bay cleanup
Ecology is cleaning up Bellingham Bay one site at a time. This year you’ll see fieldwork at TWO sites!
Snowpack & Washington water supplies
Washington makes investments in water programs to address changes in snowpack and the impacts of climate change on water availability.
Nutrient pollution modeling shows different futures for Puget Sound
This week, we shared our latest Salish Sea modeling results, which are moving us another step forward on regional efforts to reduce nutrients.
Eye on (Water) Supply
Update on Ecology's “pass-through” grants to state agencies as part of our drought relief efforts.
Clean Beaches Week:
Clean Beaches Week is held July 1 – 7, a time when beaches are especially vulnerable to more trash. Learn what you can do to help.
Air Quality Awareness Week 2021
Everyone deserves clean air. Learn what causes air pollution and what each of us can do to protect health and safety.
VIDEO: Finding solutions for the Chehalis basin

Ecology is currently taking comments on our environmental review of solutions proposed for the Chehalis Basin.