Puget Sound

Puget Sound, the nation’s second largest marine estuary, faces a number of challenges related to population growth and development, habitat loss, and pollution. We work with local and tribal governments, state and federal agencies, non-profits, and private sector partners to protect and restore the Sound.
Puget Sound, the nation’s second largest marine estuary, faces a number of challenges related to population growth and development, habitat loss, and pollution. We work with local and tribal governments, state and federal agencies, non-profits, and private sector partners to protect and restore the Sound.

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188 results.

Stretch it out: The squat lobster finds strength in flexibility
It’s almost January, which for many, means healthy New Year’s resolutions. This month’s critter varies its routine to stay in shape year-round, in order to adapt to life in a changing ocean.
Striving for a resilient ocean on World Ocean Day
The ocean nourishes us and sustains life. But the ocean is changing because of carbon pollution from human activities. We're taking steps to help the ocean. Learn how you can help too.
Fecal Matters: The 2022 BEACH report is in
Check out the new BEACH Annual Report to see how your beach fared in 2022.
King tides showcase future sea level rise
Washington’s 56 cities and counties with marine shorelines are experiencing this winter’s final cycle of king tides. 
Ecology seeking contacts for statewide wetland mapping inventory project
We're starting a statewide survey to inventory wetland maps and mapping efforts in Washington.
Cleaning up: On Bellingham’s waterfront, a cleanup plan for the Chlor-Alkali Area
We're taking comments on a cleanup plan for the Chlor-Alkali Area of the Georgia-Pacific West site on the Bellingham waterfront.
Think pink: bloodworms rule the beaches of South Sound
Bloodworms are a type of polychaete, or marine segmented worm, in the family Glyceridae.
Put a bow on it: Elevate your gift-wrapping game with the ribbon worms
This year, when you spend more time wrapping your holiday gifts than picking them out, think about a group of critters who have taken their gift-wrapping game to the next level: the ribbon worms.
Life’s a beach for the false sandcastle worm
With its beachy name and sandy dwelling, the false sandcastle worm is the quintessential beach bum.
Snuggle up! The common slipper snail gets close for comfort
The first days of fall are here, and nothing makes me want to pile on the cozy layers like the arrival of the rainy season. This month’s critter embodies the fashion motto of 2020: comfort is IN.