Water quality

Ecology is responsible for keeping Washington waters clean and helping polluted waters recover.
Ecology is responsible for keeping Washington waters clean and helping polluted waters recover.

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179 results.

Puget Sound officially a No Discharge Zone
Creating a No Discharge Zone (NDZ) helps protect shellfish beds, swimming beaches, and other areas that are especially vulnerable.
Proper fish waste disposal matters for marinas
When cleaning your catch, be mindful where you spill your guts. It’s easy to toss fish waste into the nearest body of water, but this small action can have a large negative impact on marinas.
Helping state agencies control fish, invasive animals, and insects
We're currently working to issue the new Aquatic and Invasive Species Control general permit.
It’s time to talk about poop on the beach
Heading to the beach soon? Check our safe swimming map and help us keep beaches safe this summer.
Tell us about your communities future clean water projects
We need local governments' and utilities' help to participate in the Clean Watersheds Needs survey this year.
Washington is leading the nation in stormwater management
For Ecology’s 50th anniversary, we are celebrating our municipal stormwater permit program – an example of hard work, partnership, and science coming together to make Washington better.
Our role in finding chemicals in Puget Sound
We are contributing National Estuary Program funding in a new partnership with UW Tacoma researchers to learn more about pollution in the Puget Sound.
What do you do when the polluter is a mountain?
For decades, a slow-moving landslide has been exposing the side of Sumas Mountain. The landslide material contains naturally-occurring asbestos and heavy metals — and it all ends up in Swift Creek.
New permit for wineries helps protect water quality

We have worked together with the Washington's wineries to develop the first statewide water quality permit for wineries.

No Discharge Zone continues to protect Puget Sound
We have good news for Puget Sound as EPA reaffirms the No Discharge Zone.