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29 results.
Comment on cruise ship agreement amendments
Seeking comments on proposed amendments to Washington's cruise ship environmental agreement.
PFAS Sampling in Lake Washington
Scientists from our Toxic Studies Unit recently completed the first round of sampling as part of a new PFAS study in Lake Washington and its tributaries.
Cut costs with Ecology's Lean/Green Program
Lean/Green manufacturers have a more streamlined operation with less impact on the environment. Listen to the Lean/Green Program's Hugh O'Neill talk about how it can help a business's bottom line.
50 years of litter pickup and prevention
Maintaining the quality of scenic roads and the health of roadsides and what lies downgrade is a cornerstone of our work and serves as a thermometer to litter control efforts across the state.
Ecology wins national Pollution Prevention awards
Each year, we celebrate Pollution Prevention Week, a time to recognize staff, local partners, businesses, and Washington residents for taking actions to reduce or eliminate sources of pollution.
On the road to a toxic-free future: How close are we after 50 years?
Ecology’s Hazardous Waste program looks back at 50 years working to reduce industrial waste, and looks ahead to what comes next
Systemwide change to tackle plastic pollution no longer out of reach
The U.S. Plastic Pact is an ambitious initiative to unify diverse public and private stakeholders across the plastics chain to rethink how we design, use, and reuse plastics.
Washington’s Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Program shows why it is a model for the nation
Ecology's Spills Program has released its Activity and Funding Report Report detailing the program’s work and funding sources while outlining challenges.
Saying no to drugs... and spills
History of Ecology's Spills Program's involvement in illegal drug operation cleanups.
Community concern inspires research to expand consumer product categories
This month, the Safer Products for WA program submitted our list of eleven consumer products in a report to the Legislature.
Showing 11 - 20 of 29 results.