Contamination cleanup

Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.
Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.

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Actualización del proyecto de Área de Gestión de Aguas Subterráneas

El agua que sale de su grifo debe ser potable y apta para cocinar. Por desgracia, esto no es así para algunos usuarios de pozos privados del valle bajo de Yakima.

Getting clean drinking water to the Lower Yakima Valley

We're partnering with local and state agencies to reduce nitrate contamination in the Lower Yakima Valley. Here's what you need to know if your well is impacted.

Cleaning up: Pasco Landfill entering the final phase

The final phase of cleanup began at the Pasco Landfill. Contaminated soil in Zone A that remains after removing about 35,000 drums of hazardous waste will be treated.

Cleaning up: PFAS contamination in the Lower Issaquah Valley

We invite you to comment on legal agreements and associated documents for the Lower Issaquah Valley PFAS cleanup sites.

Cleaning up: A Avenue Landfill

We'd like your comments on a legal agreement for investigating contamination at an old landfill in Anacortes.

Comment today on cleanup plans for a closed landfill in Snohomish County

The public is invited to comment on cleanup plans for a recently closed landfill in Snohomish County

Cleaning up: Bellingham waterfront site moves closer to cleanup

We’re signing a legal agreement with the Port and City of Bellingham requiring them to implement an updated cleanup action plan for the RG Haley site in Bellingham, WA, and we’d like your input.

Cleaning up: Fieldwork continues on Bellingham’s working waterfront

The Central Waterfront site of the Bellingham Bay cleanup is on course for cleanup construction to begin in 2026. This month, we begin a round of fieldwork to fill out the details of the cleanup.

How we’re gathering new thermal data at the DTG-Anderson Landfill

The Yakima Health District and Ecology are using thermal imaging to assess the underground fire at the DTG-Anderson Landfill in Yakima. Here's how we took the photos and what the data show us.

Lower Duwamish Waterway reaches cleanup milestone

We’ve made solid progress on controlling sources of pollution in one reach of the Lower Duwamish Waterway. Ecology is recommending EPA proceed with cleanup at all but one sediment area.