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283 results.

Cleanup: The slow slide into Swift Creek

The Sumas Mountain landslide is a slow slide that has clogged and flooded Swift Creek for decades. A few years ago it was found to contain naturally-occurring asbestos and metals.

Washington is leading the nation in stormwater management
For Ecology’s 50th anniversary, we are celebrating our municipal stormwater permit program – an example of hard work, partnership, and science coming together to make Washington better.
Virtual inspections in a socially-distant Washington
Ecology has made some changes in light of COVID-19, but we’re still protecting human health and the environment. In fact, we’re now conducting virtual inspections of our regulated communities.
Saying no to drugs... and spills
History of Ecology's Spills Program's involvement in illegal drug operation cleanups.
New investments save dynamic coastal wetland habitat
In 2020, we secured seven National Coastal Wetlands Conservation grants worth $5 million to restore nearly 500 acres of coastal wetlands in Washington.
Tacoma Smelter Plume
In 2020, we plan on replacing soil in 58 yards in the Yard Program service area. In January we started on a group of six yards and three childcares.
Wait, how can there be a drought when it’s raining?
Residents of Spokane and the southeast experienced a relatively damp spring, while much of Western and Central Washington have seen warmer than normal temperatures and low precipitation since April.
Watching the water supply

Months of unusually warm and dry weather continue to put pressure on the state’s rivers and streams.

Product Replacement Program helps businesses tackle toxics
Last year, Ecology’s Product Replacement Program helped more than 30 dry cleaners transition to safer cleaning methods. Now, we’re determining which toxic chemical we should help replace next.
Safer Choice: Because you shouldn’t need a PhD to know what’s safe
You shouldn’t need a PhD in toxicology to buy cleaning products. But long, confusing ingredient lists on common household products leave most consumers wondering what is safe to use in their homes.