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Floodplains by Design grants available
Every year countless homes, structures, and businesses across Washington are inundated by floodwaters. We are now accepting applications for the 2023-2025 FbD grant program.
Clean Beaches Week:
Clean Beaches Week is held July 1 – 7, a time when beaches are especially vulnerable to more trash. Learn what you can do to help.
Ecology extends public comment period for draft net pen guidance
We have extended the deadline for the public to comment on draft state guidance for commercial marine net pens to Aug. 5, 2021.
Poop and beaches don’t mix
Beach season has begun and we're out sampling to ensure your safety.
Washington's Wetlands Warrior: one of Ecology's own receives national acclaim
For American Wetlands Month, we are honoring Ecology wetlands manager, Lauren Driscoll, who earned a national award for her body of work.
For American Wetlands Month, updated guidance furthers Washington's 'no net loss' goal
To help celebrate American Wetlands Month, we are providing information about recently updated compensatory wetland mitigation guidance for Washington.
Office of Chehalis Basin publication helps basin residents prepare for flooding
Our Office of Chehalis Basin has published a handbook to help basin households prepare for flooding.
Restore Our Earth
Earth Day is just a few days away. Read about what we’ve got in store and learn about ways you can “Restore Our Earth”.
Community Science Month is coming
Science isn’t just for professional scientists. In April we’ll explore some of the ways anyone can get in on the action.
Annual Report on Washington Beaches
Check out the 2020 Annual BEACH Report to see how your beach fared last year.