
We help protect and manage 22,000 miles of state stream, river, lake, and marine shorelines.
We help protect and manage 22,000 miles of state stream, river, lake, and marine shorelines.

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70 results.

In the spirit of Arbor Day
We're sharing projects that demonstrate the spirit of Arbor Day, through our Terry Husseman Grant Program in North Central Washington.
Reducing flood risks in our communities
Modern flood management strives to restore a floodplain’s natural flood capacity, protecting lives and homes while also benefiting fish and wildlife. Several state and federal grant programs can help.
June 16 Public Meetings on Low-Carbon Energy Siting Study

We're hosting public meetings on June 16 to discuss how we provide environmental review on the siting of "green," low-carbon energy projects.

Environmental restoration grants reach across state
We are awarding nearly $640,000 to fund 15 projects that will significantly improve water quality and the environment statewide.
Ecology acquires federal grants to protect 237 acres of coastal wetlands
We've helped secure nearly $3.4 million in National Coastal Wetlands Conservation grants to protect 237 acres of coastal wetland habitat in Island, Jefferson, and Mason counties.
Clean Beaches Week:
Clean Beaches Week is held July 1 – 7, a time when beaches are especially vulnerable to more trash. Learn what you can do to help.
Community Science Month is coming
Science isn’t just for professional scientists. In April we’ll explore some of the ways anyone can get in on the action.
Helping communities reduce risks before floods, find solutions in the aftermath
In February, 2020, flooding brought the biggest disaster in decades to Southeast Washington. Learn how we're helping communities recover and improve their resiliency to future floods.
Homeless encampment cleanup will help protect Washington residents from contamination
Gov. Inslee’s proposed budget provides funds for homeless encampment cleanup and support, which protects the environment and people, including those experiencing homelessness.
Restore Our Earth
Earth Day is just a few days away. Read about what we’ve got in store and learn about ways you can “Restore Our Earth”.