Contamination cleanup

Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.
Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.

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We oppose federal proposal to redefine 'waters of the United States'

Today, we sent our official response opposing a draft rule to redefine the scope of waters of the United States. The Clean Water Act is instrumental in protecting Washington's water.

Yakima Railroad Area
Over the past 30 years, we've worked to clean up legacy pollution to soils and groundwater, and revitalize businesses along the Yakima Railroad Area Corridor.
Environmental restoration grants reach across state
For 2020, we are awarding local partners $257,000 in Terry Husseman Account grants to fund seven projects across the state designed to improve water quality to benefit Washington residents.
Legacy Pesticides Working Group update
Learn about the progress of the Legacy Pesticide Working Group, which is helping Ecology create a plan to address legacy contamination on former orchard lands in Central Washington.
Oil spill cleanup success hinges on quick response, right equipment
Ecology Spills Program equipment grants open period
Tune into the next Let's Talk About Hanford
We're going to be sharing information about three important Hanford cleanup facilities in the next edition of Let's Talk About Hanford.
State provides new guidance for commercial marine fish net pens
New guidance available for commercial marine fish net pens in Puget Sound.
Residential project near Manson tests remedies for lead arsenate contamination
A Manson area developer tests 'model remedies' to remove pesticides from old orchard lands for a new housing complex near Lake Chelan
To prevent dead zones in Puget Sound, communities must tackle nutrient pollution
The Puget Sound Nutrient General Permit is a major milestone in restoring the health of Puget Sound.
Pump Out, Don’t Dump Out - Help protect Puget Sound!
The Pump Out, Don't Dump Out campaign reminds boaters that Puget Sound is a No Discharge Zone and encourages them to pump out their boat sewage.