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997 results.
Cut costs with Ecology's Lean/Green Program
Lean/Green manufacturers have a more streamlined operation with less impact on the environment. Listen to the Lean/Green Program's Hugh O'Neill talk about how it can help a business's bottom line.
Little Spokane River cleanup plan ready for public review
Ecology's draft plan for better water quality in the Little Spokane River is available for comment
50 years of litter pickup and prevention
Maintaining the quality of scenic roads and the health of roadsides and what lies downgrade is a cornerstone of our work and serves as a thermometer to litter control efforts across the state.
Virtual inspections in a socially-distant Washington
Ecology has made some changes in light of COVID-19, but we’re still protecting human health and the environment. In fact, we’re now conducting virtual inspections of our regulated communities.
Next steps in managing water rights
In 2019, the Legislature asked us to identify areas that were our highest priorities for future adjudications. We identified two watersheds in immediate need of adjudication.
History of Manchester Environmental Laboratory
In celebration of Ecology's 50th Anniversary, we take a look at the history of Manchester Environmental Laboratory.
Snuggle up! The common slipper snail gets close for comfort
The first days of fall are here, and nothing makes me want to pile on the cozy layers like the arrival of the rainy season. This month’s critter embodies the fashion motto of 2020: comfort is IN.
Ecology wins national Pollution Prevention awards
Each year, we celebrate Pollution Prevention Week, a time to recognize staff, local partners, businesses, and Washington residents for taking actions to reduce or eliminate sources of pollution.
Smoky siege
A look back at the record-breaking wildfire smoke that hit Washington in September 2020.
Fecal Matters: Saltwater State Park in King County is closed due to a sewage spill
Public Health - Seattle and King County issued a closure to water contact at Saltwater State Park due to a sewage spill upstream from the beach.