Contamination cleanup

Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.
Contamination cleanup helps restore habitat for wildlife, provides new opportunities for recreation, and protects people’s health by removing toxic chemicals from the environment.

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159 results.

Cleaning up: On Bellingham’s waterfront, a cleanup plan for the Chlor-Alkali Area
We're taking comments on a cleanup plan for the Chlor-Alkali Area of the Georgia-Pacific West site on the Bellingham waterfront.
Cleaning up: New model remedies for contaminated historic orchard lands

Our year-long efforts with stakeholders resulted in the draft Model Remedies for Cleanup of Former Orchard Properties.

Cleaning up: An outdoor cleanup plan inside a river bend
We're taking comments on a cleanup plan for exterior walls and adjacent soil at the former Anacortes water treatment plant at Mount Vernon.
New maps identify potential contamination on former orchard lands
Ecology created new maps from old aerial images that help identify where potentially-contaminated former orchard lands are located.
The soon to be "not-so-swift" Swift Creek
Ecology and Whatcom County are collaborating on the Swift Creek flood control and sediment management project with construction starting soon.
El que pronto no será tan “swift” Swift Creek
El Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington y el Departamento de Obras Públicas del Condado de Whatcom están colaborando en el proyecto de control de inundaciones y manejo de sedimentos.
Legacy Pesticide Group Final Report
The Legacy Pesticide Working Group concluded its work and provided recommendations to Ecology about how to address lead and arsenic contamination on former orchard lands.
Cleaning up: An update to the Landsburg Mine site cleanup plan
We're proposing changes to the cleanup plan for the Landsburg Mine site to enable response, if needed, if monitoring detects 1,4 dioxane above action levels.
Cleaning up: Boeing Auburn feasibility study
The Boeing Auburn cleanup site includes a large off-property area. Cleanup strategies studied include speeding up a natural cleanup process. Comment on that study!
Restoring the environment after toxic contamination
The Natural Resources Damage Assessment and restoration process uses money from polluters to rebuild habitats.